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Twitter for Digital Signage Content


Twitter for Digital Signage lets you display Twitter feeds in your digital signage content.

Twitter for Digital Signage lets you display Twitter feeds in your digital signage content.

NB! The Twitter plugin has been discontinued due to changes in Twitter API pricing that are not sustainable – read more.

There are 2 options for what content the plugin displays:

  • Timeline of user profile
  • Hashtags

The plugin has a transparent background so you can easily put it on top of other content. Due to limitations imposed by Twitter API, the widget can only be scaled up to 1200 pixels.

When displaying the timeline of the user profile you simply input the user name in Username. If displaying hashtags you can input one or more hashtags.

Font – Here you design your font type, color, etc.
Alignment – You can set the text to align to the left, center right, or justified.
Update Interval – This is where you set the time between tweets. If set at 5 sec., the tweet will switch every 5 sec.
Tweet count – Let’s say you only want your latest 10 tweets displayed, setting this will make sure of that.
Font zoom – The Font is too small or too big, simply adjust the size here.
Show time ago – On or off displaying when the tweet was published.
Show retweet and like count – On or off displaying retweet tags as well as likes.

Is there any 3rd. Party Twitter plugins?

You also have the option to use third-party plugins and embed them into your content as websites. Here are a few 3rd party widgets that will work well in your playlists.

  • Tweetwally is our favorite pick as it has the fewest quirks when compared to other integrations. Just connect your Twitter and you will get a designated sub-domain for your wall. 
  • The Wallrus offers a unique way to display a customized Twitter search result. To display a wall, you need to sign up and be aware that the free version features their advertisement from time to time. Furthermore, the wall does not work in our web previewer & Android app due to iframes being blocked (see why?). On the other hand, Chrome, Windows, and OS X players work just fine. See demo.

If you know other cool Twitter widgets, let us know – we’d like to feature them here!

Twitter was introduced in October 2017
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