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Facebook Photo Plugin for Digital Signage

Facebook Photo

The Facebook Photo for Digital Signage gives you a way to display all the photos from your Facebook page.

Imagine it like a photo frame with your favorite Facebook photos. You can choose a specific folder or simply go with your feed, and like any other plugin on Play, you can style it just the way you want it.

Before you can get started with Facebook Photos you'll need to make sure you are the administrator the pages you want to use in your Digital Signage content.

Check out this page, Facebook Help Center

Go to Playlists -> Open your playlist -> Find or add a slide where you'd like to add the Facebook Photo plugin

Open Social -> Facebook Photo

 You'll notice that your right toolbar says Log in with Facebook, log in, pick the pages you'll need in your content, click Next, toggle on (Yes) the different options, and click Done.

You now have access to your Facebook Photo folders on your Facebook page(s).

Sometimes it's nessesary to pick all pages, even though you only need access to one page. This is a Facebook bug they have not yet resolved.

  • Alignment - Fit to canvas, Align Left, Align Center, Align Right, Align Top, Align Center, Align bottom, Lock and Unlock
  • Select Page - Select your page
  • Select Album - Select the album from where the plugin should fetch photos
  • Columns - Select how many columns for your photos
  • Border Width - Select the width of the border
  • Border Color - Select the color for your border
  • Update Intervals (S) - Select how many seconds between posts
  • Positioning - Move the position of the plugin pixel by pixel
  • Sizing - Resize the plugin pixel by pixel

How often does the Facebook Photo for Digital Signage​ update photos?

The plugin will load photos from Facebook once when it’s displayed. It will load new photos when the slide is displayed again.

How many photos are loaded?

The plugin will load up to 50 most recent photos and will shuffle them.

What happens to posts with a video?

Facebook Photo for Digital Signage will show a thumbnail image (generated by Facebook) of the video instead.

What is the difference between ‘Photos from feed’ and ‘Timeline photos’?

Timeline photos will contain photos that the page author has uploaded, whereas photos from the feed will extract all photos from the page feed, this includes shared posts and links to articles.

Do I need to log in with Facebook in the player as well?

You only need to log in with your Facebook account in our web editor so you can search for Facebook pages.

I don’t see any pages in the drop-down.

Facebook only allows us to display content only from pages where you are an administrator. If you don’t have an administrator role for the page, the first step is to contact the page owner on Facebook and ask them to grant you an administrator role. When you have the role, you must grant us the “pages_read_engagement” (so we can access the page posts) and “pages_read_user_content” (so we can access like count on the page posts) permissions (permissions are requested when you click the “Log in with Facebook” button) for the page so our app can display page posts on your behalf.

This page shows how to manage page roles on Facebook.

We don’t post anything to Facebook.

I see an error “Failed to connect to Facebook” on Firefox

Firefox has two features that protect you from tracking. While this functionality offers privacy undoubtedly, it prevents the browser from loading Facebook API, so our app can not communicate with Facebook servers. The first thing is to ensure that is added to the Facebook Container, see the image on the right. After changing the setting you will be logged out, log in again and try adding the plugin.

If you still get the error, you can also try disabling Enhanced Privacy Protection and any other tracking or ad-blocking plugins you’re using.

We don’t track you with the intent to sell or distribute your data, but Facebook will know that you are using our software. To see what information we collect on you and how we use that, please refer to our privacy policy.

Why is it no longer possible to display any Facebook page?

In October 2019 Facebook changed its policies and revoked our application access for permission “Page Public Content Access“. This means that our application can no longer request public content from any Facebook page (our use case of displaying posts no longer meets their allowed usage criteria).  We now have to ask for “manage_pages” permission from you and are only able to display the content for pages that you are an administrator of. If you don’t have administrator access to the page, the only way is to ask the page owner to grant you the rights.

If you have published a Facebook plugin prior to 23 October 2019 (when our permission was revoked), then your plugin will continue working, but it will not receive any new photos. If you have administrator rights to the page you want to show, please remove the plugin from the editor canvas and add it again.

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Get started designing your content

Most people think designing content for digital signage is super difficult, but if you can use Powerpoint, you can also create and design your own content in our editor.

Play Digital Signage, Inc., 2035 Sunset Lake Road, Newark, DE, 19702, USA
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