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Weather Plugin for Digital Signage


With our Weather in Digital Signage, you can easily display a forecast or today’s overview in your content.

With our Weather in Digital Signage, you can easily display a forecast or today’s overview in your content. This page will give an overview of how the plugin works and how it can be used.

This plugin is our native weather plugin, but you can also use our MediaRSS and Website plugins for alternative plugins.

  • City – Location-based
  • Units – Either Celsius or Fahrenheit.
  • Theme – Sets the icon theme, we currently have Black, White, and Colored themes available.
  • **Language – ** Sets the language for the description text. If you can’t find your language in the selection and would like to help us with translations. contact us at [email protected] and we will provide you with a list of conditions that need to be translated.

How often is the data updated?

The weather API returns data for the next 24 hours in 1-hour intervals (10:00, 11:00, 12:00, etc..), and the plugin will display the weather of the current hour (at 14:25 the current hour is 14:00). As this is subject to change, the plugin will request the next 24-hour weather updates from API every 6 hours. At midnight the plugin will fetch the forecast for the next 4 days and update the day forecasts.

What happens if the player does not have an Internet connection?

The player will store weather data in local memory for 6 hours upon the first successful load. If there is no Internet connection on the first load, the plugin will be hidden. If the Internet connection is not restored after 12 hours of the previous update, the plugin will not be shown.

Where is the data coming from?

We use weatherbit API for data.

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Get started designing your content

Most people think designing content for digital signage is super difficult, but if you can use Powerpoint, you can also create and design your own content in our editor.

Play Digital Signage, Inc., 2035 Sunset Lake Road, Newark, DE, 19702, USA
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