Youtube for Digital Signage is a great way to display videos directly from Youtube.
Youtube for Digital Signage is a great way to display videos directly from Youtube.
If your player does not have an Internet connection while Youtube for Digital Signage starts, it will not be visible on the slide. If your connection drops while a video is playing, it will display the buffering icon. Being that YouTube content is streamed, we don’t recommend using this plugin if your connection is unstable, instead, you can upload the video to our portal. Videos uploaded to our portal will be downloaded by the players and played locally, so the Internet connection is not relevant.
YouTube iFrame API does not expose functionality for our app to set the video quality programatically. YouTube defaults to the 'auto' quality and it will set the quality based on network conditions. Sometimes, however even with a good Internet condition, YouTube may serve the video at a lower quality than possible. It is possible to set the quality manually, by enabling "Show video controls" option in the YouTube plugin settings in our editor, then when the video starts playing on the device, click on the gear icon and set the quality as you would normally on This approach however requires using a mouse or touchscreen and it is not possible on other devices.
Alternatively you can upload the video to our library and the device will download the video and play it locally with the original quality.
Yes, the URL will have a parameter &list=<list id>
Yes, you can paste the live stream URL as well.
Certain channels can restrict the videos, so they can be only viewed on YouTube. We’ve observed this restriction with some music videos and it seems to be related to how different channels author/license/copyright the content. Our Windows, Linux, and Mac players can work around the issue, however, if you’re using Android or Extension, our hands are tied. You can try finding another source for the video or uploading the video to our portal altogether.
In April 2018 Chrome changed their auto-play policy, unfortunately, this directly affects our Chrome extension player (including ChromeOS devices). Our Android, FireOS, Windows, and macOS players are not affected, however. To fix the auto-play issue on the Chrome player, you need to change a setting in the Chrome browser.
ChromeOS device owners: If you already have set up your ChromeOS device in kiosk mode, you can exit the player by moving the mouse to top-right corner and then pressing Ctrl + Alt + S to exit kiosk mode and log in with your google account
Type in the following address in the address bar: chrome://flags/#autoplay-policy
and set the value to “No user gesture is required“. Then our player has sufficient permissions to play YouTube videos.
After changing the setting Chrome prompts you to restart it. Once restarted, you can launch Play Digital Signage player extension again and videos should start playing automatically!
Most people think designing content for digital signage is super difficult, but if you can use Powerpoint, you can also create and design your own content in our editor.