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Slide Conditions for Slide in Playlists

Slide Conditions

Slide conditions are an advanced functionality to display individual slides at a specific time of day, within a time range, or on one or more specific players.

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Slide conditions are an advanced functionality to display individual slides at a specific time of day, within a time range, or on one or more specific players.

The Date & Time Range lets you add a condition where the slide is only displayed when the date and time condition is met. For example, if you add a condition saying Play between 2024-07-01 at 00:00 and 2024-07-01 at 23.59 that slide will ONLY be playing on July 1st. You can then add longer date ranges and change the time.

You also have the option “Automatically delete this slide when this condition expires“. Let’s say you’re adding a slide for one of your employees who has a birthday on February 2nd., you create a special slide for this event, you add the condition and you choose this option. The slides will ONLY be played on February 2nd. and at 23.59 the system automatically deletes the slide to keep your playlist clean at all times.

This condition does not guarantee that the slide will be shown exactly at the specified time, rather it’s better to think of it that the slide won’t be skipped during the time range. If you want to show content exactly at a specified time, use scheduling instead.

Slides that are schedules in the future will have a yellow indicator in the slide overview.

Time Range is a bit simpler, here you create a condition saying you want the slide playing every day. All you need to do is pick a time of day to start and a time of day to end. For example a restaurant might want to show their lunch menu slide every day between 12:00 and 14:00.

NB! This condition does not guarantee that the slide will be shown exactly on the specified time, rather it’s better to think of it that the slide won’t be skipped during the time range. If you want to show content exactly on a specified time, use scheduling instead.

Day of week condition evaluates to true only on the days of the week you have selected (Monday, Tuesday, etc…). For example, if your store is closed on weekends, you can show an appropriate slide only on Saturday and Sunday.

The screen condition is a linkage between your slide and one or more screens. As a default, a slide will play on all screens, but let’s say you wanted to add weather in your playlist and your screens were physically in different locations. You could then add one slide per location and link that slide to screens in that location.

For example, one of your screens is in New York, and another in Berlin. You have a playlist with 20 slides playing on both screens. Now add a slide with the weather plugin, open the slide settings, open Slide Conditions, and add a screen condition for New York. Then add another slide, also with the weather, and repeat the process using Berlin.

Inverting the condition turns the tables. Toggle on Invert Condition and the the slide will show on all other screens than the one you add in the screen condition.

Can I add a time of day and screen condition?

Yes, you can add a condition saying start at xx and stop at xx every day, and then add the screens you want the specific slide to play on.

How can I find slides that are only running in the future?

If a slide is set to run in the future you'll see a yellow dot on the slide.

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