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RSS Ticker for Digital Signage Content

RSS Ticker

With the RSS ticker you can embed external RSS feeds as a ticker (text scrolling from right to left).

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At the core, RSS is just a text file in XML format that websites frequently update when a new story is published. Most news portals and blogs also publish an RSS feed, typically the feed is linked in the page footer or you can find it by searching. We have a convenience function to help you find an RSS feed by a website name, however, it’s just a helper functionality and does not have data for all the feeds on the Internet. If you don’t find the desired feed using the search field, you can try using a search engine or ask the website maintainers if they have a public RSS feed. An example RSS feed looks like this:

NOTE: if the digital signage RSS ticker plugin doesn’t fit your needs then you can try Alternative RSS Viewers and Website Plugin. * RSS – Really Simple Syndication (Wikipedia article on RSS)


  • Find RSS feed – A simple search to find an RSS feed, that has data for popular publications.
  • Feed URL – If you did not find the desired feed via the search (or the feed is not publicly available), you can paste the feed URL directly.
  • Include title – Typically each feed entry contains a title and a description. Depending on who publishes the feed and what information you find relevant, you can toggle title inclusion in the ticker.
  • Include description – Often description is a small excerpt of the article itself, typically it’s either too long or irrelevant for the ticker, but depending on the circumstances you may want to include it as well.
  • Feed entries to display – Specifies how many most recent feed items will be included in the ticker.
  • Refresh interval – Specifies how often the plugin will check the feed source for updates. The default value of 60 minutes is quite reasonable for most feeds.
  • Always on top – By default, the ticker is rendered as a separate element so that players don’t need to render the entire slide for each frame, but rather just the ticker itself. This is important as most entry-level players can not handle rendering the entire canvas at least 24 times per second for smooth scrolling. The drawback to this approach is that the ticker will be on top of other elements, this can be a problem for a typical setup where users want the ticker to scroll under a logo for example.
    • Auto – Player will automatically determine if it should be on top.
    • Yes – Smoother scrolling, see.
    • No – Depending on the player’s hardware acceleration capabilities, the ticker may struggle.


My player can’t render player smoothly if always on top is set to “no”, but I still need to scroll it under an element.

Depending on the circumstances, you may be able to leverage the fact that sub-playlists are always rendered on top of other elements, including tickers. So in this example, the BBC logo is actually a sub-playlist with just 1 slide set to play forever. The BBC logo we’ve been using is 267×200 pixels, so we created a playlist with that aspect ratio. Next, we set the slide to play forever and added the BBC logo on the first and only slide covering the entire canvas. Then we went back to the playlist and included the logo as a sub-playlist so the ticker would scroll underneath it.

What happens if my player doesn’t have an Internet connection?

The player will store the feed in a temporary cache after the first successful load. If the device does not have an Internet connection on the first load, the plugin will not be visible. Subsequent loads will display a feed from the previous successful load until the next update is successful.

Where do I find alternative RSS plugins?

Check out this article, Alternative RSS Viewers

Is the digital signage RSS Ticker the same as the Ticker?

No, the digital signage RSS Ticker is using a feed based upon the standard RSS, where the Ticker is simple text.

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