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Mac OS

Let’s get you started with your MAC OS media player

Discover the ultimate guide for Apple Mac digital signage setup. Learn to effortlessly find, download, and install our app on your Mac OS-based computer for a seamless and powerful display experience.

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Stuff you should know

We've gathered some of the most common features that you may need to get your Mac OS media player up and running smooth.

Launching the APP on startup is not on when you first install our APP. If you want the APP to launch after a power outage or simply when you power on your player go to, Screens, open the settings for the screen, and toggle on Launch APP on startup.

See the Windows section of our portrait guide.

There is a built-in auto-updater, however, in certain circumstances, the software is not automatically updated. You can apply the update manually without having to link the screen again.

  • Close the player application if it’s running.
  • Download the latest version.
  • Double-click on the downloaded .dmg file.
  • Drag the app to the Applications folder (See step 2)

Options & FAQ

Options can be accessed directly on the TV by using OPTIONS.

Options can be accessed directly by the player or in settings for your player.

  • Launch player on startup - Toggle this ON to make sure our APP starts when your player starts up, for example after a power outage.
  • Always on top - Tells the operating system to keep our APP window above other windows. This prevents popups or notifications from showing above.
  • Show top menu bar - Toggle this ON if you want the top bar to appear when moving the mouse or using the remote for your player. Toggle this OFF if you want a kiosk experience where users can't exit the app by clicking the exit button on the top menu bar. You can still access the menu with "Ctrl + o" command.
  • Optimize for touchscreen - Toggle this ON if you are planning on using our APP on a touchscreen. This setting will make small adjustments to how our APP works in conjunction with a touchscreen.
  • Analytics - Toggle this ON if you need analytic data from this particular player. Read more about Analytics
  • Display Orientation - This option should only be used if your player operating system does not support changing the orientation as we recommend the adjustment on an operating system level instead.. You have the option of portrait (Clockwise) and portrait (Counter-clockwise).
  • UserAgent - UserAgent is a piece of text that browsers use to identify itself to the web server. Certain websites will render a mobile view if they detect Android userAgent, although the site is displayed on a big screen. With this option you can work around this issue and spoof a desktop computer's UserAgent. The UserAgent lets you pick Default, Mobile, Desktop, or Custom.
  • Reload player every day at - It is good practice to clear the cache on the player once every 24 hours. Here you can set a time that is not inconvenient, for example at night when no one is watching your TVs. Rooted devices will be rebooted, unrooted devices will simply restart our app.
  • Tags - If you are using tags they will be listed here. You also can find and add a tag.
  • Clear cache - In case you need to clear the cache manually you can do that here. For example, if you are changing your content continually and you experience something not working as expected, clearing the cache should help as it removes any old data stored on the players' storage.
  • Reload - Reloading your player is similar to clearing the cache. In addition, reloading will close and start the APP.
  • Status - Status tells you if the APP is connected to the cloud. Green means you are connected and red means you are not connected. If you see a red status you should check the internet and wifi connection to your player.
  • Device Time - The device time tells you the player's time and date. If the device time is wrong it will also be wrong in our APP and thus all time-related scheduling will be off, so make sure to correct the time on the player operating system if you are having problems.
  • Resolution - The resolution is the resolution according to your player's operating system. If the operating system on the players tells us its running HD, your content on the TVs will be optimized for HD. Please note that many devices that are advertised as 4K can only decode video in 4K but run apps in a lower resolution. This means you may see a lower resolution reported by our app, but any 4K video that you use will be still played as 4K. If you are seeing a lower resolution, you can install a 3rd party "resolution checker" app on the device to confirm the resolution from another app as well.
  • Version - This is the version of our APP
  • Screen ID - Also referred to as UID. The UID is the unique ID for your player.
  • Disc Usage - Disc usage will tell you how much data has been used on the player's storage. We do not recommend more than max. 80% storage use.
  • Android Settings - This is reserved for developers only
  • Screen edges - In case you have a LED screen, video wall, or an older model TV you might have to adjust the edges so that they match your TV and the content.
  • Browser - Here you can easily access the browser used by the APP to check content, connectivity, etc.
  • Reset - If you need to unlink your player or perhaps link the player to another account you can use reset.

I got my screen linked, what next?

We recommend checking out our Getting Started video.

Design your contentYoutube icon:icon features a black play button triangle inside a white rounded rectangle

How do I know if I have M (arm) or X86 mac?

Click on the apple logo on top-left, and select "About this Mac". Under the chip section if it contains text like "Apple M", then you have the processor with arm architecture. 

The mouse cursor is visible after restart?

It can be that other software in the system can interfere with our application and steal focus after our app has launched, this prevents our app from hiding the cursor. It seems that in OSX Ventura (13.0.0) has made some significant changes to how it handles the mouse and has increased the likelihood of the mouse not being hidden after a restart. Currently, there is a workaround for using a 3rd party software after a set time of inactivity:

  • Download Cursorcerer.
  • Unzip it and click on the Cursorcerer3.prefPane file.
  • Install the preference pane for all users and set the “Hide idle cursor after” value to 5 seconds.
  • Now we need to set Cursorcerer to autostart with the operating system, open the terminal, and copy-paste the following command:
  • curl | sh
  • Log out and log in again
  • Now upon login, the OSX will ask for permission to open the Cusorcerer, give the required permissions
  • Now after a restart, the cursor will be hidden after some period of inactivity

Where are the files stored?

The player downloads files to ~/Library/Application Support/PlaySignage/assets

Can I run several instances of the application?

By default, the application enables a maximum of one window, however in situations where you have a Mac machine with several monitors, you may need to run one player application per monitor. To do this, you need to set a different data directory for each application window using the --data-dir parameter, for example:
open /Applications/ --args --data-dir=/path/to/storage/folder

Intranet website with a self-signed SSL certificate is not showing?

By default as a security precaution, the application does not show websites with certificate errors. However, if you need to show a website that does not have a valid SSL certificate, you can launch the app with a --ignore-certificate-errors parameter, for example:
open /Applications/ --args --ignore-certificate-errors

How do I run the app on my secondary display?

To run the app on your secondary display go to OPTIONS in the app and choose your preferred display.

Our software can not send an application to another space programmatically as OSX does not expose that functionality. If you want to show signage on another display, make sure that all displays share the same space.

OSX 13 (Ventura): Open System settings, find Desktop & Dock, scroll down and turn off Displays have separate Spaces, log out and log in again.

OSX 12 (Monterey) and older: Open System Preferences, click Mission Control, and then turn off the option Displays have separate Spaces.

The plugins don’t work

If one or more plugins don’t work on your Mac OS, it’s possible that the MAC Digital Signage app on your player device is out of date. Click here to learn more.

How do I access OPTIONS if I disabled the top menu bar?

In the APP options, you can hide the top menu bar if you for example are running a touch screen. To access the top menu bar, when hidden, you can use CTRL + O for options or CTRL + Q to close the APP.

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Most people think designing content for digital signage is super difficult, but if you can use Powerpoint, you can also create and design your own content in our editor.

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