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Cal. State University Maritime Academy

Play is awesome! It's the superhero of digital signage!

"Play Digital Signage is the go-to solution that ticks all the boxes without hurting the budget. Why? Because it's not just a signage tool; it's a game-changer that makes everyone's life easier!"

California State University Maritime Academy in the San Francisco Bay Area

In a few words

"Play is just awesome! It's like the superhero of digital signage – reliable, flexible, and won't break the bank. Plus, it's super easy for everyone to use. The California State University Maritime Academy fell in love because Play just gets the job done".

"It's the go-to solution that ticks all the boxes – and it doesn't hurt the budget. So, why do they love it? Because it's not just a signage tool; it's a game-changer that makes everyone's life easier!"

Profile Picture, California State University Maritime Academy

Name: Edward Pakenham Role: Administrator Company: California State University Maritime Academy

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Profile Picture, California State University Maritime Academy

“My name is Edward Pakenham, I am the administrator at California State University Maritime Academy. I oversee all administrative tasks and serve as the project manager for our digital signage solution at the academy."

"It was easy for me to take on the digital signage project. Many of our templates and menus were already built by a previous colleague. All I had to do, was reach out to Play through the Live Chat and have a conversation with CEO, Lars Normark on the phone".

"After that, we were all set and ready to launch. The kitchen staff LOVE Play; it's super easy for them to log in, change or update items on the menu, and publish within minutes."

The training vessel Golden Bear of California State University Maritime Academy

"A former colleague passed on the digital signage project to me before leaving the academy and gave a brief introduction to Play Digital Signage. Despite Play not being effectively utilized initially, CEO Lars Normark from Play Digital Signage, Inc. and I worked together to set up the system"

"We streamlined our content scheduling, and it operates seamlessly now. Before switching to Play Digital Signage, we used Canva - a platform that required daily USB drive updates for content changes. It was a hazel, and time-consuming. The shift to digital signage significantly enhanced our communication approach".

The Official Flag of California State University Maritime Academy

"Play Digital Signage, Inc. is LOVED by our staff. Its simplicity, intuitive design, and user-friendly interface make it accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise. The students especially value the consistently updated and reliable information Play provides". 

California State University Maritime Academy is situated on the picturesque waterfront campus in Vallejo, California

Why did you choose Play Digital Signage?

"The biggest reason besides the price was the scheduling feature. It has taken off a big stress factor and workload, just being able to schedule menu boards, informative playlists and general information, and have them change automatically".

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We pride our selves by many things, but having happy customers, customers who sees the value of what we have done for them is priceless and motives us to be even better.

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Ready to Get Started?

If we haven’t quite convinced you yet, book a demo with one of our Play Digital Signage experts to go over the ins and outs of our digital signage software and show you how to reach your goals!

Play Digital Signage, Inc., 2035 Sunset Lake Road, Newark, DE, 19702, USA
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