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Affordable, Effective Wireless Digital Signage Players

Blogpost was published on October 2, 2021

A common misconception about setting up a wireless digital signage player is that it is expensive. Many people think that you have to buy expensive hardware and then shell out another big investment for the software. Luckily, wireless digital signage players don’t need to be expensive to be effective. Wireless digital signage players are cloud-based, which has multiple benefits including cost savings. Let’s dive deeper into cloud-based digital signage, its components, benefits, security, and more. 

Digital signage media players does not have to be expensive to be powerful

Cloud-Based Digital Signage works with your Wireless Digital Signage Player

Cloud-based digital signage consists of three components- cloud-based software, a wireless digital signage player, and a screen. You create content inside the software. Then upload and publish it inside the cloud-based digital signage. The wireless digital signage player stores your most recent published content and acts as a conduit between the software and the screen. The screen for your digital signage displays your content including sound for your customers to view. Now that you know the components of cloud-based digital signage, the question remains: What is the cloud?

What is the Cloud and how Does A Wireless Digital Signage Player fit in?

The cloud is a common name among the tech-savvy, but many people don’t really know what the cloud is. The cloud includes software and servers accessed using the internet. Software, data, and content is stored somewhere else and accessed virtually rather than on an onsite physical hard drive. The cloud is the virtual space that stores information.

Benefits of Wireless Digital Signage Player

Your wireless digital signage player is always online and connected to the digital signage cloud.

Access From Anywhere

Having access to your digital signage content from anywhere at any time is the biggest benefit of cloud-based digital signage. As long as you have internet access, which is easy to find almost anywhere nowadays, you can access your account and content no matter where you are physically located. This means that if you are at home, you don’t have to go where your screens are to make a change. 

Quick Updates For Your Wireless Digital Signage Player

Another benefit of cloud-based digital signage is you can implement updates easily and quickly. Wireless digital signage players connect to the internet which means that within a few seconds of you publishing new or updated content, it is automatically reflected on your screen.

Did you just run out of a meal at your restaurant? Let your customers know immediately with a quick update to your digital signage.

Any Device

As a business owner, you are always on the go and might not have access to the same device all the time. With wireless digital signage players and cloud-based software, you can access your content from any device. Whether you have a smartphone, a tablet, or a computer, as long as it has an internet connection, you can manage your digital signage content.

Additional Features

Cloud-based software and wireless digital signage players allow for the implementation of additional features that you wouldn’t get without an internet connection. Note: These are examples of Play Digital Signage features.


The scheduling feature allows your content to be updated automatically at the time and date that you set. Because of the internet connection, the updates will automatically occur and appear on your screen. Set it and forget it. 

Built-in Content Editor

Because cloud-based products can often hold more data storage, cloud-based software can contain a full-featured built-in content editor. Without the cloud, the features of software would be limited to the amount of storage on your particular designated device which leads to smaller, less comprehensive software.


Another benefit of a cloud-based system is the team features. In many businesses, having a team is critical. Cloud-based digital signage allows your team to access and collaborate from their respective devices at any time. You can also set their roles to provide organization and efficient collaboration.

Alerts and Notifications

Because you are always connected to your digital signage through the internet, you get live up-to-date alerts and notifications. You will always be notified if your screen goes offline and anything else you need to know as soon as it happens. 


In today’s world, data and analytics are kings. Get actionable insights from your digital signage analytics made possible by internet-connected cloud-based software.

The Cloud is Secure

One of the biggest concerns surrounding cloud and cloud-based products is security. This is a fair question. After all, we have all heard that anything connected to the internet is at greater risk of falling victim to cybercrime. However, here at Play Digital Signage, we take several preventative measures to ensure your digital signage is secure.

Two Factor Authentication

Two-factor authentication requires you to enter two separate pieces of information to verify your identity before you’ll be able to access your account. This often looks like entering a code sent to your mobile phone in addition to entering your standard email and password. Two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of security against malicious account access. Even if someone were to get ahold of your login information, two-factor authentication ensures they still won’t be able to get into your account. 

Login Options

Having several login options is not only convenient for you so that you only have to remember a few passwords, but it also makes hacking your account more difficult because you could be logging in using several different and separate accounts. 

Password Validator

Play Digital Signage has a built-in password validator. If your password exists in any public database, we immediately notify you that you need to change the password. Password validators offer peace of mind by continually monitoring your account security. 

Cost Savings with Play Digital Signage

So, you've seen the effectiveness of wireless digital signage players and cloud-based software are and all the benefits they offer you. However, the real upside is that to take advantage of this, you don’t have to shell out a bunch of cash. With Play Digital Signage, you get maximum productivity and efficiency without emptying your wallet. 

No Special Software

With Play Digital Signage, you can use a wide variety of players and you don’t have to install any special additional software to get your digital signage up on your screen. Many digital signage companies require you to buy expensive players installed with special software. Our compatibility with multiple operating systems and the Play Digital Signage APP allows you to use your choice of player.  

A Player for Every Budget

Because of the variety of players that work with Play Digital Signage, there is a player for every budget. We did the research and found the best players for the money. We also separated players into three price points so you can work within your budget. Check out the list here

Two-in-One Solutions

Another thing to keep in mind to make your digital signage more cost-efficient is to utilize two-in-one solutions. Two-in-one solutions refer to hardware that has both a screen and a built-in player. The most common example is a tablet, but certain smart TVs have also started to include players. Using a screen with a built-in player can save money by buying only one piece of hardware versus two. 

Simple Pricing Structure

Play Digital Signage doesn’t require specific wireless digital signage players or screens which makes our pricing structure super simple. At Play Digital Signage, every screen, no matter the size is $18 per month per screen. That’s it! No hidden costs of special equipment. 

Offset Costs

The best part about wireless digital signage players and cloud-based solutions is that you can offset costs using advertising. Even though you can fit Play Digital Signage in any budget, you can take it one step further and save money by renting out screen time to other businesses. This way, digital signage is less cost to you and they get to advertise their business. Because you can manage it from anywhere, you can also expand by providing additional screens in various populous places. 

Get Started with Effective and Inexpensive Wireless Digital Signage Player

As you can see, wireless digital signage players don’t need to be expensive to be effective. At Play Digital Signage, we have created a flexible and affordable industry-leading digital signage solution. Get started in three easy steps! 

  1. Sign up at We’ll only ask you for some basic information until you are ready to get full access. 
  2. Choose a screen. From tablets to LED video walls, Play Digital Signage works with all of them. 
  3. Pick your player. Remember, your screen might already have one built-in, depending on what you choose!

Once you have these three pieces, all you have to do is design your content!

Bottom Line

At Play Digital, our screens are cloud-based so you can access them from anywhere in the world and from any device with an internet connection. All you have to do is log in to your account. And because it's cloud-based, you don't need to worry about purchasing a high-end player with special software to use our signage.

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Play Digital Signage, Inc., 2035 Sunset Lake Road, Newark, DE, 19702, USA
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