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Digital Signage Billboard No Matter The Size!

Blogpost was published on December 22, 2020

Billboards are the big advertisements you see around town as well as when you go down the highway, and they have been around for centuries. Billboards first started in the 1800s when businesses began painting their logos and advertisements on large building walls. Since then, they have evolved quite a bit. We see them as digital signage billboards nowadays.

We have all seen them while driving down the highway or through the city. Many of you might have even learned about a new business or a promotion from them. Digital Signage Billboards are a great way to get your message out to the masses. Hundreds of thousands of people pass billboards each day. We realize how important billboards can be for small businesses and large corporations alike, that is why we support all screen sizes!

Previously, your advertisement would be printed on a large vinyl canvas and then strung up to the big, tall signs by billboard professionals. This is still an option, but, if you needed to change something, an entirely new sign would need to be printed, the old one was taken down and the new one put back up. It takes time and resources to do so. Now you replace the content with the touch of a button.

Versatile Digital Signage software for Billboards, Tailored to Any Size

Our Experience

But why trust us with your large-screen advertising needs? Well, several years ago when Play Digital Signage was started in Denmark, we offered packages that included the software, LED panels, and control hardware to create digital billboard solutions.

We also had a great partnership with Infiled in China, a well-established led panel manufacturer. Over the years we have broken down what it takes to succeed in the billboard industry and added a couple of functions to accommodate those who use our software for content on billboards. We have a world of knowledge when it comes to everything that goes into a digital billboard and is here to pass it on to you.

Benefits Of Digital Signage Billboards

Static billboards are becoming outdated. In the new age, we have replaced them with huge digital signage billboards that utilize the technology of LED screens. This more advanced technology has many benefits for both the consumer and businesses.  We have outlined the benefits below.

Changing Content On Digital Signage Billboards

One of the most important benefits of digital billboards is the one we just mentioned above. You can change your content with a click of a button. Whether you own the digital signage billboard yourself, or use one of the bigger digital signage billboard companies, changing your content is much easier than with traditional billboards.

If you own the digital signage billboard, you can just make your changes on the cloud and it will automatically update to the hardware. If you use a digital signage billboard company, all you have to do is change your content and send them the file. This beats waiting weeks for the printer and then more time for it to be hung.


Digital billboards are brighter and more vibrant which naturally draws the eyes of your viewers. However, by being able to update your content regularly, it won’t just become a normal background to those passing it every day. New and vibrant content keeps your viewers engaged and more likely to respond.

Cost Efficiency

Digital billboards have a lot less overhead and that savings typically gets passed onto you. There are no big canvases to print and fewer staff to pay to hang those large canvases. Though costs range by location, digital billboards are typically used by multiple businesses on the same hardware; therefore, making the cost less per business.

Play Digital Signage Billboard Sizing

From our start in Denmark to today, we continue to support any screen size. The Play Digital Signage software allows you to create playlists of any size. So, if your billboard is for instance 3,840 pixels by 1,500 pixels, a user can simply create a playlist using the pixel-by-pixel aspect ratio feature we offer. No matter your screen size, you can create a playlist that fits your needs.

Digital Signage Billboard Considerations


There are a few factors to consider with Billboards. First off, they run 24/7, so content has to be able to run consistently and not go down. This is why uptime is very important. Uptime is exactly what it sounds like. It is the time that the system is running operationally. At Play Digital Signage, our uptime is perfect. We have more than 99.9% uptime. You can check our uptime by clicking here.


Hardware has to be built for billboards. Not all hardware can work in a billboard because they are outside and exposed to the elements. The hardware has to be waterproof and not susceptible to wind, snow, hot, cold, etc. Additionally, the screen has to be able to run 24/7 without overheating. Usually, you find IP67-rated hardware installed in Billboards.

Safety & Security

There are also safety concerns. By going digital, it opens up a world of opportunity for hackers. Your content has to be secure. For a hacker to be able to change your content to something malicious, they would have to access your Play Digital Signage user account. We ensure safe passwords and two-factor authentication to defend against this.

Content on a Digital Signage Billboard

Content for billboards typically consists of advertisements from large corporations and sometimes local stores. However, digital billboards open the door to many possibilities. You can display anything you want and update it as often as you like. Maybe you want to run a daily promotion or use a digital billboard as your store sign to gain extra attention. The opportunities are endless.

Current Billboard Statistics and Future Projections

Do People Notice Billboards?

With so much information being thrown at people with smartphones and advertisements everywhere, it begs the question of whether people even still notice billboards while driving? The short answer is yes. But, the reason why is that billboard recognition is directly correlated to how much time we spend in our cars each year. We spend over 200 hours in our cars each year. And that doesn’t include those people who have longer commutes.

The more time people spend in a car, the more time they spend seeing your billboard. Some surveys in past years have shown that more than 60 percent of people surveyed recalled seeing at least one billboard in the past 30 days. Even more than 60 percent of bus and train riders recalled seeing billboards in the past 30 days. This proves that people aren’t just looking at their phones, and really do still look at their surroundings.

But Why Do People Continuously Notice Billboards?

Billboards provide three things that make people notice them. First, they are unavoidable. Billboards are placed in direct sightlines of drivers. There is sometimes no way of not seeing them.

Additionally, billboards are typically relevant. Advertising is informative, and billboards provide relative content that people relate to in some way. They show the brand new products, promotions, and businesses in the area which is always something that everyone wants to know about.

Building off of relevancy, billboards also are entertaining most of the time. On a boring drive, seeing one pun on words, or an interesting phrase can spark joy and laughter. This becomes memorable for the brain because it stands out against a rather un-interactive surrounding.

Digital billboards take the entertainment factor up a notch by introducing vibrant lighting and dynamic content. They also change every few seconds so they keep people engaged with new content. More than 75% of survey respondents say that digital billboards stand out more than online advertisements and just under half of the respondents said that digital billboards stand out more than TV advertisements.

Out-of-Home Advertising with Digital Signage Billboards

Billboards make up more than 60% of “out of home” advertising. Out-of-home advertising includes any advertising that is not directly delivered to someone in their home. For instance, a postcard or an advertisement in a magazine would be considered “in-home advertising” because it is delivered directly to your customer. However, since billboards are out in public spaces, they are considered “out of home” advertising. Another advertisement that would fall in the category would be posters or flyers since they are hung in public spaces.

Past and Present Growth

Billboards have had quite an impact on the advertising world since their debut in the early 1800s. The “out of home” advertising sector only makes up about 7% of the total advertising sector. Even though that seems like a small number, it is one of the few sectors of advertising that has seen growth for more than the last 30 quarters while radio, print, and even TV advertising has been declining.

There are more than 15,000 billboards added each year and over 350,000 billboards are already in operation. These statistics are a mix of both traditional and digital billboards, but the new billboards added each year are mostly digital.

And they keep growing! By this time next year, billboards are expected to become a 33 billion-dollar industry.

Billboards draw just as much attention today as they did more than 100 years ago when they started popping up in big cities and they will continue to be noticed in the next 100 years.

Video Walls

Digital Signage Billboards have truly evolved with the times and at Play Digital Signage, we have, too. Digital signage billboards can now come inside with video walls. There are many ways to create a video wall. There are both hardware-based solutions and software-based solutions. In every video wall, you will need screens, a way to connect the screens to each other, a way to connect the screens to a player if needed, and then a connection to the internet or the cloud.

Though it sounds complicated, many companies have set out to make it easier. Play Digital Signage is one of those companies. By supporting all screen sizes, you can design your content to effortlessly fit your chosen screen size. And don’t worry, you can use our Play Digital Software with most solution types.

Learn More

Ready to set up your own billboard or create a video wall? We have laid out a step-by-step with helpful tips from the professionals to help. Click here to get started!

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Play Digital Signage, Inc., 2035 Sunset Lake Road, Newark, DE, 19702, USA
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