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How Much Does Digital Signage Cost?

Blogpost was published on April 17, 2024

Digital signage provides a myriad of benefits for businesses of all sizes in just about any industry. However one of the most common questions from those who haven’t quite made the jump into digital signage is, "How much does digital signage cost?" Today, we'll break down the factors influencing digital signage costs and give you ideas on how to save with your digital signage.

How Much Does Digital Signage Really Cost?

Components of Digital Signage

Before we begin to talk about the cost of digital signage, it is important to talk about the components that make up a digital signage installation so you can get an idea of everything you’ll need. For most digital signage installations, you’ll need a screen, a digital signage media player, content management software, and digital signage content.

Digital Signage Screens

The screen you choose displays your digital signage. This can be a range of sizes all the way from tablet size to huge video walls. It can also be just one screen or many screens and in one geographical location or several locations. Your screens in your digital signage setup will “talk” to your digital signage media player to know what to display and when.

Digital Signage Media Player

The digital signage media player is essentially a middleman between your screens and the content management software. This is where your digital signage content is stored so that it can be communicated to the screen for display. Some digital signage media players can run multiple screens and for others, you’ll need one for each screen. Additionally, you have the option of going with a Smart TV, which would give you your screen and media player all in one device.

Content Management Software

One of the next important components of your digital signage setup is content management software. The content management software is where you’ll upload, schedule, and manage your digital signage content. Depending on the software you choose, you may even be able to design your digital signage content with it, as you can with Play Digital Signage using the built-in editor.

Digital Signage Content

Finally, the last piece of your digital signage setup is the digital signage content itself! This can be designed by you or professionally created by a graphic design or marketing specialist. Digital signage content is what is displayed on your screens and seen by your audience.

Factors Influencing Digital Signage Cost

Now that we understand what goes into a digital signage setup, we can look at the various factors that may affect digital signage cost as it can vary widely.

Goals and Objectives

One of the main determining factors in how much you’ll need to set aside for your digital signage is what your company’s goals and objectives are. For instance, a business needing just one screen for simple digital signage content is going to have far less cost than a business needing a video wall installation with dynamic animations and graphics. We always recommend outlining your goals and objectives so you can identify what you need prior to shopping for your digital signage setup.


Of course, different digital signage hardware comes in at different price points. The cost of digital signage hardware includes the cost of displays, media players, mounting hardware, and any additional equipment required for installation and operation. High-resolution displays or video walls come at a higher price point compared to standard displays. Outdoor displays are also more expensive than indoor, so you’ll need to take into consideration your mounting location, too, when determining your budget.


Digital signage software is essential for content management, scheduling, and remote control of displays. The cost of software can vary based on features, scalability, and subscription models (monthly or annual). When choosing digital signage software, you should look for any features you know you need, whether or not they offer the ability to design content within the software, and whether or not they offer a free trial. 

Content Creation

Another factor that can influence the cost of your digital signage is your digital signage content creation. If you are up for the task of creating it yourself, you may not have to spend any additional money, especially if you opt for software like Play Digital Signage which includes a built-in content editor at no additional cost. However, for those who aren’t the DIY type, creating engaging and professional content for digital signage may involve hiring graphic designers or marketing professionals, the cost of which varies based on the complexity and quality of the work.

Installation & Setup

Many digital signage setups can be installed and set up yourself which will save you some dough, but those opting for larger or more intricate installations will likely incur the additional cost of professional installation services, network setup, and ongoing maintenance. This will need to be added to your digital signage budget if you go this route.

Saving with Digital Signage: Cost-Effective Strategies

While digital signage offers numerous benefits, including enhanced customer engagement and brand visibility, it can also be a cost-effective solution when implemented strategically. Here are some tips on how to save with digital signage.

Content Optimization

One of the most significant ongoing costs of digital signage is content creation. If you choose not to design content yourself, or even if you do, consider optimizing your content strategy by repurposing existing assets, leveraging user-generated content, and using templates and widgets available on platforms like Play Digital Signage. By minimizing custom content creation, you can reduce expenses while maintaining a compelling visual presence.

Remote Management

Take advantage of remote management capabilities offered by digital signage platforms like Play Digital Signage. Remote control allows you to update content, schedule playlists, and monitor displays from anywhere, reducing the need for on-site personnel and associated costs.

Energy Efficiency

Choose energy-efficient displays and media players to lower operating costs. Look for displays with energy-saving features such as automatic brightness adjustment based on ambient light conditions. Additionally, schedule displays to power on/off during specific hours to further optimize energy consumption.


Plan for scalability when designing your digital signage strategy. Platforms like Play Digital Signage offer scalable subscription plans that allow you to start small and expand as needed. Avoid overinvesting in hardware and features that may not be immediately necessary, focusing instead on gradual growth aligned with your budget and objectives.


One of the best ways to save with digital signage is by offsetting the cost with advertising. Bring in additional revenue with your digital signage installation by offering advertising spots to other brands and businesses. You can save space on your screens for their advertisement and in exchange, they can pay to use it. In this case, you offset your cost and they get to drive extra traffic to their business, it’s a win-win!

Play Digital Signage: Budget-Friendly Digital Signage

By now, you have heard us mention Play Digital Signage a few times, so let us introduce ourselves. Play Digital Signage is a cost-effective and feature-rich content management software for digital signage. Here's a breakdown of Play Digital Signage costs and why it's a valuable choice for businesses.


Play Digital Signage offers a flexible subscription plan where you only pay for what you need. It’s simply $18 per month, per screen so you can scale as you need to. Plus, you can try up to 10 screens free, giving you the ability to get all of your content designed and your hardware installed before ever having to pay a dime.

Affordable Hardware Compatibility

Play Digital Signage is compatible with a wide range of affordable media players and displays, making it accessible for businesses of all sizes. You can leverage existing hardware or choose from budget-friendly options to minimize upfront costs.

User-Friendly Interface

The intuitive interface of Play Digital Signage simplifies content management, scheduling, and remote control. No extensive training or technical expertise is required, saving time, money, and resources since it is easy to manage all yourself.

Rich Content Library

Access a library of pre-designed templates, widgets, and multimedia content within Play Digital Signage, reducing the need for costly content creation services or paid stock content. Plus you can customize templates to match your branding and messaging seamlessly.

Try Play Digital Signage for Free

Ready to experience the power of Play Digital Signage? Sign up for a free account today and explore the possibilities of dynamic digital signage at no cost. With easy-to-use tools, affordable pricing, and a wealth of features, Play Digital Signage is the smart choice for businesses looking to save with digital signage. Sign up in just a few minutes here.

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Play Digital Signage, Inc., 2035 Sunset Lake Road, Newark, DE, 19702, USA
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