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That’s the question we’re going to answer today. You may have seen screens around displaying ads, information, or various entertainment when you’re out and about, but what are those all about? Well, that is digital signage but of course, there’s more to it! Let’s break down digital signage, talking about what it is, its parts, and how it's turning those boring static signs into something way more exciting and interactive. ![What is Digital Signage?](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/what_is_digital_signage_7bf1702ac0.jpg) ## What is Digital Signage? Digital signage is revolutionary in how information is presented and consumed. Unlike traditional static signs, digital signage utilizes electronic displays to convey messages. From vibrant screens displaying sales in retail spaces to interactive kiosks in corporate environments, this technology offers a unique platform for communication. It's about more than just displaying information; it's about creating an immersive and interactive experience for the audience. Essentially though, you can really answer this question in one sentence. Digital signage is a system of digital screens used to display various information, advertisements, or entertainment in places like stores, schools, and offices. ## Components of Digital Signage To understand the magic behind digital signage and how it works, we’ll need to break down its components. There are three major digital signage components– a screen, a media player, and management software. The screens are where your content is displayed. These can be any size and there can be any number of them spread throughout several geographical locations. The management software allows you to upload, schedule, and change your digital signage content. It also provides analytics and some content creation tools. Finally, the digital signage media player acts as a middleman between the software and the screen. The media player stores and delivers your digital signage content to the screen based on what you have set up with the software. You’ll need all three for a successful and cohesive digital signage setup, though smart TVs can be a good two-in-one option as they have both a screen and a built-in media player. ## Key Features and Benefits of Digital Signage Digital signage keeps rising in popularity, largely due to its overwhelmingly positive features and benefits. We’ll go over some of them below. ### Real-time Updates Unlike static signage, digital displays allow for quick and easy updates. Users can adapt the content in real-time, promoting timely information and offers and allowing your company to stay relevant. ### Cost Savings While there are initial setup costs with digital signage, it often proves cost-effective in the long run as you can reuse content, edit it as needed, and have no printing costs. ### Branding Opportunities Digital signage allows for creative branding and storytelling through multimedia content which reinforces brand identity leading to increased brand trust and recognition. ### Dynamic Content Digital signage gives you the ability to showcase videos, animations, transitions, and more which adds a dynamic element to displays, making them more visually appealing and impactful to your audience. ### Touch-screen Interactivity Depending on the hardware you choose, digital signage can be touchscreen enabled which turns digital screens into interactive kiosks. This allows your audience to engage with the content or access additional information. ### Cloud-Based Solutions Cloud-based digital signage solutions, like Play Digital Signage, offer flexibility, scalability, and remote management capabilities. Users can access and control their displays from anywhere with an internet connection. ### Scalability Digital signage is scalable which means it can be easily scaled to accommodate multiple displays of varying sizes and locations. ### Scheduling and Playlists With digital signage, businesses can organize their content into playlists, and then schedule content to be displayed at specific times, ensuring that information is displayed exactly when you want it to be. ### Customization and Templates Businesses can easily customize digital signage content to align with their needs and goals. Furthermore, the availability of [free templates](/blog/free-digital-signage-templates) simplifies the content creation process, making it more accessible for users with varying levels of design expertise. ## Industries Using Digital Signage Digital signage has found a home in a lot of different industries. In the retail industry, digital signage transforms the shopping experience with eye-catching sales and promotions. Corporate offices often utilize digital signage for internal communication, training, and event information. Even educational institutions have implemented digital displays for wayfinding and information distribution. The hospitality sector is not left out either as digital signage enhances guest experiences with interactive screens and can be a wayfinding solution as well. Though, it is important to note that this isn’t an exhaustive list as you can find digital signage in just about any industry! ## How to Get Started with Digital Signage Now that you know all about digital signage, it's time to get started! Whether you're a business looking to grab people's attention or a school wanting to share important information, digital signage can help. To begin, consider what you want to show and where you want to put your screens. Then, check us out at Play Digital Signage, we’ll help you pick out your hardware and get you up and going without stress. Sign up [here](https://login.playsignage.com/register) today and start your digital signage journey!f:T1d6d,# Building a scoreboard at Keepthescore.com Scoreboards are an essential component of sports events, gyms, bars, and recreational centers, and with the right digital signage solution, they can be seamlessly integrated into your displays. Whether you're running a local sports event or managing a venue with multiple screens, adding a customizable scoreboard ensures real-time updates, enhanced engagement, and sponsorship opportunities. ![Keepthescore - Scoreboards in Digital Signage](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/BLOGPOSTS_keepthescore_244a2dd8e1.jpg) In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to create a scoreboard using KeepTheScore and display it on your digital signage using Play Digital Signage. Also, check out the video tutorial on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/HwFY-isIUQk). ## Overcoming the Challenges of Traditional Scoreboards For small stadiums, community sports leagues, and non-profit organizations, setting up a functional and affordable scoreboard has always been a challenge. ### The Struggles of Traditional Scoreboards * High Costs – Professional electronic scoreboards cost thousands of dollars to install and maintain. * Complex Wiring & Setup – Traditional scoreboards require dedicated power lines, control systems, and hardware installation. * Limited Flexibility – Once installed, a physical scoreboard can’t easily be updated or repurposed for different sports or events. * Difficult Maintenance – Bulbs burn out, wiring fails, and repairs can be expensive, especially for non-profit stadiums and small game fields with limited budgets. * Fixed Display Size – If the scoreboard is too small, fans can’t see it clearly, and resizing it isn’t an option. ### The Digital Signage Solution: Cost-Effective & Easy to Use With digital signage scoreboards, all these problems disappear. Instead of investing in bulky, outdated, and expensive hardware, you can: * Use Any Screen or TV – Repurpose existing displays, projectors, or LED panels instead of buying a dedicated scoreboard. * Remote Management – Update scores, timers, and team names from a phone, tablet, or laptop—no running back and forth! * Multi-Purpose Usage – When not in use for games, the same screen can display advertisements, announcements, or other content. * Customizable for Any Sport – With KeepTheScore and Play Digital Signage, you can switch between football, basketball, hockey, and more instantly. * Affordable for Any Budget – Unlike fixed electronic scoreboards, digital signage offers free and low-cost software options that make it possible for non-profits and community leagues to have professional-quality scorekeeping without breaking the bank. For small sports fields, schools, non-profits, and recreational leagues, digital signage finally solves the scoreboard problem by providing a cost-effective, flexible, and easy-to-use solution that works on any display. ## How to Build a Scoreboard Using KeepTheScore KeepTheScore is a versatile scoreboard provider that offers free and premium plans for various scoreboard needs. Here’s how to set up a sports scoreboard using KeepTheScore. ### Get Started with KeepTheScore * Go to [keepthescore.com](https://www.keepthescore.com). * Choose a plan – Free (5 boards, ads), Standard (20 boards, no ads), or Business (100 boards, full customization). * Navigate to "My Boards" and click "Create a New Board." ### Choose Your Scoreboard Type * Leaderboard: Track individual scores for multiple players. * Sports Scoreboard: Designed for team-based sports like football, basketball, hockey, and more. ### Customizing Your Scoreboard * Pick Your Sport – Select football, basketball, hockey, or another sport. * Preview Your Scoreboard – The live preview allows you to see how it looks before publishing. * Customize Colors, Fonts & Layout – Adjust backgrounds, fonts, and team colors for a branded experience. * Add Team Names & Logos – Upload team logos and customize team names. * Enable or Disable Features – Toggle on/off game details like period, fouls, play clock, or game timer. ## How to Display Your Scoreboard Using Play Digital Signage Once your scoreboard is set up in KeepTheScore, you can integrate it into your digital signage displays using Play Digital Signage. ### Get the Scoreboard Link * Click "Get Scoreboard Link" in KeepTheScore. * Copy the unique scoreboard URL. ### Create a Playlist in Play Digital Signage * Log in to [Play Digital Signage](https://playsignage.com). * Create a new playlist for your scoreboard. * Set aspect ratio (16:9 for standard displays, custom dimensions for LED panels). * Adjust slide duration to "Play this slide forever" so the scoreboard remains active. ### Embed the Scoreboard in Play Digital Signage * Set the background color to black or choose a sports-related image. * Add the Website Plugin. * Paste the KeepTheScore link into the website URL field. * Click “Publish” to make the scoreboard live on your displays. Your scoreboard is now live and fully functional on your screens! ## Enhancing Your Scoreboard with Additional Content Play Digital Signage allows you to combine your scoreboard with other content for a dynamic, multi-purpose display. ### Ideas for Additional Content: * Advertisements & Sponsorships – Display ads from sponsors, local businesses, or upcoming events. * Weather & Time – Add a weather widget and real-time clock to keep spectators informed. * Live Video Feeds – Embed game highlights or replays alongside the scoreboard. * Social Media Feeds – Showcase Twitter/X updates, fan engagement, and team announcements. ## Automating Scoreboards with Scheduling One of the biggest advantages of digital signage scoreboards is that they can be scheduled to run only when needed. ### How to Schedule a Scoreboard in Play Digital Signage: * Go to Groups & Schedules in Play Digital Signage. * Set a base playlist (e.g., advertising) for when no games are active. * Add a scheduled event for the scoreboard to display during game time. This ensures that your digital signage runs relevant content when needed, switching automatically between a scoreboard and regular signage. ## Adding Multiple Sports Scoreboards You can create multiple scoreboards for different sports by repeating the same process: * Go to KeepTheScore and create a basketball, hockey, or baseball scoreboard. * Copy the scoreboard link and embed it in Play Digital Signage. * Switch between scoreboards easily by updating the website plugin URL. ## Final Thoughts: Why Use Digital Signage for Scoreboards? * Easy to Set Up – No hardware required, just a web-based scoreboard and Play Digital Signage. * Remote Management – Update scores from any device (desktop, tablet, or phone). * Monetize with Ads – Run sponsors and ads alongside live game scores. * Fully Customizable – Match your venue’s branding and colors. * Scheduled Content – Switch between advertising and scoreboards automatically. Whether you're running a small sports league, a bar showing live games, or a stadium display, digital signage scoreboards make your setup seamless, engaging, and professional. Get Started Today: * Try KeepTheScore: [keepthescore.com](https://www.keepthescore.com) * Set Up Play Digital Signage: [playsignage.com](https://www.playsignage.com) Have questions? Let us know in the comments or reach out to our team!10:T1d6d,# Building a scoreboard at Keepthescore.com Scoreboards are an essential component of sports events, gyms, bars, and recreational centers, and with the right digital signage solution, they can be seamlessly integrated into your displays. Whether you're running a local sports event or managing a venue with multiple screens, adding a customizable scoreboard ensures real-time updates, enhanced engagement, and sponsorship opportunities. ![Keepthescore - Scoreboards in Digital Signage](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/BLOGPOSTS_keepthescore_244a2dd8e1.jpg) In this guide, we’ll walk you through how to create a scoreboard using KeepTheScore and display it on your digital signage using Play Digital Signage. Also, check out the video tutorial on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/HwFY-isIUQk). ## Overcoming the Challenges of Traditional Scoreboards For small stadiums, community sports leagues, and non-profit organizations, setting up a functional and affordable scoreboard has always been a challenge. ### The Struggles of Traditional Scoreboards * High Costs – Professional electronic scoreboards cost thousands of dollars to install and maintain. * Complex Wiring & Setup – Traditional scoreboards require dedicated power lines, control systems, and hardware installation. * Limited Flexibility – Once installed, a physical scoreboard can’t easily be updated or repurposed for different sports or events. * Difficult Maintenance – Bulbs burn out, wiring fails, and repairs can be expensive, especially for non-profit stadiums and small game fields with limited budgets. * Fixed Display Size – If the scoreboard is too small, fans can’t see it clearly, and resizing it isn’t an option. ### The Digital Signage Solution: Cost-Effective & Easy to Use With digital signage scoreboards, all these problems disappear. Instead of investing in bulky, outdated, and expensive hardware, you can: * Use Any Screen or TV – Repurpose existing displays, projectors, or LED panels instead of buying a dedicated scoreboard. * Remote Management – Update scores, timers, and team names from a phone, tablet, or laptop—no running back and forth! * Multi-Purpose Usage – When not in use for games, the same screen can display advertisements, announcements, or other content. * Customizable for Any Sport – With KeepTheScore and Play Digital Signage, you can switch between football, basketball, hockey, and more instantly. * Affordable for Any Budget – Unlike fixed electronic scoreboards, digital signage offers free and low-cost software options that make it possible for non-profits and community leagues to have professional-quality scorekeeping without breaking the bank. For small sports fields, schools, non-profits, and recreational leagues, digital signage finally solves the scoreboard problem by providing a cost-effective, flexible, and easy-to-use solution that works on any display. ## How to Build a Scoreboard Using KeepTheScore KeepTheScore is a versatile scoreboard provider that offers free and premium plans for various scoreboard needs. Here’s how to set up a sports scoreboard using KeepTheScore. ### Get Started with KeepTheScore * Go to [keepthescore.com](https://www.keepthescore.com). * Choose a plan – Free (5 boards, ads), Standard (20 boards, no ads), or Business (100 boards, full customization). * Navigate to "My Boards" and click "Create a New Board." ### Choose Your Scoreboard Type * Leaderboard: Track individual scores for multiple players. * Sports Scoreboard: Designed for team-based sports like football, basketball, hockey, and more. ### Customizing Your Scoreboard * Pick Your Sport – Select football, basketball, hockey, or another sport. * Preview Your Scoreboard – The live preview allows you to see how it looks before publishing. * Customize Colors, Fonts & Layout – Adjust backgrounds, fonts, and team colors for a branded experience. * Add Team Names & Logos – Upload team logos and customize team names. * Enable or Disable Features – Toggle on/off game details like period, fouls, play clock, or game timer. ## How to Display Your Scoreboard Using Play Digital Signage Once your scoreboard is set up in KeepTheScore, you can integrate it into your digital signage displays using Play Digital Signage. ### Get the Scoreboard Link * Click "Get Scoreboard Link" in KeepTheScore. * Copy the unique scoreboard URL. ### Create a Playlist in Play Digital Signage * Log in to [Play Digital Signage](https://playsignage.com). * Create a new playlist for your scoreboard. * Set aspect ratio (16:9 for standard displays, custom dimensions for LED panels). * Adjust slide duration to "Play this slide forever" so the scoreboard remains active. ### Embed the Scoreboard in Play Digital Signage * Set the background color to black or choose a sports-related image. * Add the Website Plugin. * Paste the KeepTheScore link into the website URL field. * Click “Publish” to make the scoreboard live on your displays. Your scoreboard is now live and fully functional on your screens! ## Enhancing Your Scoreboard with Additional Content Play Digital Signage allows you to combine your scoreboard with other content for a dynamic, multi-purpose display. ### Ideas for Additional Content: * Advertisements & Sponsorships – Display ads from sponsors, local businesses, or upcoming events. * Weather & Time – Add a weather widget and real-time clock to keep spectators informed. * Live Video Feeds – Embed game highlights or replays alongside the scoreboard. * Social Media Feeds – Showcase Twitter/X updates, fan engagement, and team announcements. ## Automating Scoreboards with Scheduling One of the biggest advantages of digital signage scoreboards is that they can be scheduled to run only when needed. ### How to Schedule a Scoreboard in Play Digital Signage: * Go to Groups & Schedules in Play Digital Signage. * Set a base playlist (e.g., advertising) for when no games are active. * Add a scheduled event for the scoreboard to display during game time. This ensures that your digital signage runs relevant content when needed, switching automatically between a scoreboard and regular signage. ## Adding Multiple Sports Scoreboards You can create multiple scoreboards for different sports by repeating the same process: * Go to KeepTheScore and create a basketball, hockey, or baseball scoreboard. * Copy the scoreboard link and embed it in Play Digital Signage. * Switch between scoreboards easily by updating the website plugin URL. ## Final Thoughts: Why Use Digital Signage for Scoreboards? * Easy to Set Up – No hardware required, just a web-based scoreboard and Play Digital Signage. * Remote Management – Update scores from any device (desktop, tablet, or phone). * Monetize with Ads – Run sponsors and ads alongside live game scores. * Fully Customizable – Match your venue’s branding and colors. * Scheduled Content – Switch between advertising and scoreboards automatically. Whether you're running a small sports league, a bar showing live games, or a stadium display, digital signage scoreboards make your setup seamless, engaging, and professional. Get Started Today: * Try KeepTheScore: [keepthescore.com](https://www.keepthescore.com) * Set Up Play Digital Signage: [playsignage.com](https://www.playsignage.com) Have questions? Let us know in the comments or reach out to our team!11:T1bde,# Improving Patient Experience with Digital Signage in Healthcare Going to a doctor, hospital, or any healthcare facility can be an overwhelming and, quite frankly, boring experience. You book an appointment for 2 PM, show up on time, and then—according to statistics—you end up waiting more than an hour per visit. That’s a long time to sit in a chair, staring at the walls or flipping through outdated magazines. ![Improving Patient Experience with digital signage in Healthcare](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/Improving_Patient_Experience_with_in_Healthcare_d85ead0a20.jpg) But what if that waiting time could be transformed into a more engaging and informative experience? This is where digital signage comes into play. Digital signage isn’t just about filling the void during wait times. It enhances [wayfinding](/blog/interactive-digital-signage-helps-your-customers-engage-with-the-content-they-want/), patient education, staff communication, emergency alerts, and even hospital promotions. From the moment a patient enters a healthcare facility to the time they leave, digital signage can streamline their journey, reduce stress, and improve overall satisfaction. ## Digital Signage Use Cases in Healthcare ### 1\. Arriving at the Clinic: A Stress-Free Check-In Imagine walking into a hospital or clinic and being greeted by a digital screen that helps you check in, find your way to the right department, and even see estimated wait times. Sounds much better than aimlessly wandering around, right? For patients with medical concerns, stress levels can already be high. Having clear, interactive digital signage that directs them to the right place can significantly ease anxiety. Self-check-in kiosks also speed up the process, reducing congestion at the front desk and freeing up staff to focus on more urgent matters. ### 2\. In the Waiting Area: Making the Wait More Bearable The waiting room is often the most dreaded part of any healthcare visit. But with digital signage, that wait doesn’t have to feel so long. Here’s how digital signage can improve the waiting room experience: * Educational Content: Share health tips, preventive care advice, and wellness programs to keep patients informed.  * Entertainment: Include fun facts, trivia, historical content, and even lighthearted jokes to keep things engaging.  * Staff Introductions: Introduce doctors, nurses, and other team members to create a sense of familiarity and trust.  * News & Updates: Display hospital news, upcoming events, or community health initiatives.  * Appointment Notifications: Provide real-time updates on wait times and appointment progress. By keeping patients occupied with relevant and engaging content, digital signage can reduce perceived wait times and improve overall satisfaction. ### 3\. Inside the Doctor’s Office: Preparing Patients for What’s Next The doctor's office is another place where digital signage can make a difference. Many patients feel anxious about upcoming procedures, test results, or diagnoses. Displaying informative content about procedures, recovery processes, and aftercare instructions can help alleviate fear and uncertainty. For example, digital screens inside exam rooms can:  * Explain common procedures and treatments in simple terms.  * Offer guidance on post-visit care and medication management.  * Highlight important health screenings that patients should consider.  * Display calming visuals and relaxing content to create a more comfortable environment. When patients understand what’s happening and what to expect, they are more at ease and better prepared for their healthcare journey. ### 4\. Interactive Digital Signage for Wayfinding Hospitals are notorious for being confusing to navigate. Whether it’s a large hospital complex or a smaller medical center, wayfinding digital signage can drastically improve the patient experience. * Touchscreen Directories – Help patients and visitors find clinics, restrooms, gift shops, and cafeterias easily.  * Step-by-Step Navigation – Provide clear instructions and directions for specific departments or areas.  * Multilingual Options – Offer instructions in multiple languages to cater to diverse patient populations. Effective wayfinding saves time for staff (who would otherwise be answering directions) and makes the experience stress-free for patients and visitors. Learn more about how to build Interactive Digital Signage for Wayfinding [here](https://playsignage.com/support/touch/) ## The Data: How Digital Signage Impacts Healthcare Let’s talk numbers. How much of an impact does digital signage really have in healthcare? According to research: * Stress Levels Drop by 37% when engaging content is displayed in waiting areas.  * Perceived wait times decrease significantly, making long waits feel shorter.  * Patient satisfaction improves, leading to better reviews and hospital ratings. ### Emergency Alerts and Real-Time Updates In a hospital or clinic setting, things can change rapidly. Having a digital signage system that can send real-time alerts is crucial for both patients and staff. * Emergency Notifications – Display evacuation plans, severe weather alerts, or urgent announcements.  * Schedule Changes & Delays – Inform patients about unexpected changes to appointment schedules.  * Public Health Updates – Quickly communicate important health news, such as flu outbreaks or vaccine availability. ### Promoting Hospital Services & Campaigns Digital signage isn’t just about navigation and patient comfort; it’s also a powerful marketing tool for healthcare facilities. * Promote Related Services – Highlight additional treatments, specialty care, or health check-ups.  * Raise Awareness for Fundraisers & Events – Showcase hospital campaigns, wellness fairs, and community initiatives.  * Encourage Preventive Care – Educate patients on screenings, vaccinations, and preventive health measures. ### Remote Management & Cost Savings One of the biggest advantages of digital signage is its remote management capabilities. Hospitals and clinics can schedule content, update screens instantly, and manage multiple locations—all from a single dashboard. Additionally, replacing traditional paper-based communication with digital signage saves money and reduces environmental waste. No more printing and replacing posters every time there’s an update! ### Final Thoughts Digital signage is revolutionizing the healthcare industry, making patient visits more informative, engaging, and stress-free. From wayfinding and waiting room entertainment to emergency alerts and hospital promotions, digital signage enhances every touchpoint of the patient journey. Hospitals and clinics looking to improve patient experience should seriously consider implementing a digital signage solution. The benefits are clear, measurable, and impactful. Are you ready to enhance your healthcare facility with digital signage?  [Start today with Play Digital Signage!](/getting-started/)12:T2955,# Enhancing Content Management using a public API ## Introduction In recent years, digital signage content has evolved from simple and static to dynamic, data-driven, and intelligent. With the new tools that are available, there are more ways to enhance your displays than ever. Behind the scenes, APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) allow you to connect your screens to external systems, automate updates, personalize content and much more. ![Using a public API in Digital Signage](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/blogpost_Enhancing_Content_Management_using_a_public_API_a563b6cd23.jpg) At **Play Digital Signage**, we provide powerful API capabilities that streamline content management. Our APIs allow businesses to automate content updates, manage tags for efficient content organization, and integrate external data sources. With our flexible and scalable API solutions, digital signage management becomes seamless and highly customizable. ## The Role of APIs in Digital Signage Content Management APIs enable communication between digital signage software and other applications, making it easier to automate content distribution and updates. Some common use cases include: * **Automating Content Updates:** Push real-time updates, such as news, stock prices, or weather conditions, directly to displays. * **Integration with External Data Sources:** Connect signage systems with databases, CRMs, social media feeds, and other external applications. * **Tag-Based Content Management:** Simplify content categorization and scheduling with dynamic updates based on pre-defined rules. * **Embedding External Content:** Integrate third-party content providers via HTML embeds or HTTP requests made by JavaScript (XHR requests). ## Play Digital Signage API: A Closer Look Our API provides a comprehensive solution for managing displays and tags, ensuring efficient digital signage functionalities. Businesses can automate workflows, streamline content deployment, and create dynamic signage experiences with ease. ### Key Features of the Play Digital Signage API * **Display Management** * Control and monitor multiple displays remotely. * Update or reboot screens via API calls. * Retrieve real-time status updates for all connected screens. * **Tag-Based Content Management** * Tags are crucial in efficiently managing content ([Learn more about tags](/support/tags/)). * Assign and modify tags via API to automate content placement. * Tags can be activated for a specific period, after which content reverts to its original state. * Tags can be deactivated on demand to stop specific content from displaying. ## Use Case: Integrating with Computer Vision Software for Demographic-Based Content Triggering More and more businesses every day are taking advantage of computer vision software to increase customer engagement by delivering personalized digital signage content. You can integrate Play Digital Signage with computer vision software and then display personalized content based on demographic data such as age, gender, facial expressions, and more. ### Example Use Case: Demographic-Based Content Display A clothing store wants to increase engagement by displaying advertisements tailored to the specific customers passing by digital signage screens. Here’s how you can achieve it: **Step 1:** A computer vision system is installed near digital signage displays to analyze customer features in real time. **Step 2:** The vision software detects characteristics such as age and gender and sends this data to a backend server. **Step 3:** The backend server processes the information and determines the appropriate tag for content display based on predefined rules. **Step 4:** Play Digital Signage's API is used to activate the corresponding tag on the relevant screen, ensuring the appropriate advertisement or content is displayed. **Step 5:** Once the audience changes, the previous tag is deactivated, and the content changes either to generic content or content tailored to the new audience. This integration enables retailers and businesses to deliver highly targeted and engaging content that resonates with their audience in real-time. ## Use Case: Emergency Alerts with Tag-Based Overrides In an emergency situation, timely information is of the essence and digital signage is a powerful tool for broadcasting alerts in real-time. Emergency alerts can be triggered manually via the Play Digital Signage dashboard, through the API, or by integrating with external emergency alert systems. By activating specific tags, businesses, and organizations can override currently playing content and display critical information instantly. ### Example Use Case: Emergency Alert Override A corporate office wants to ensure employees receive emergency notifications during critical situations. Here’s how this can be implemented: A corporate office wants to ensure employees receive emergency notifications during critical situations. Here’s how this can be implemented: **Step 1:** An emergency alert system detects a fire, security breach, or weather-related emergency. **Step 2:** The alert system sends a trigger to a backend server, which processes the emergency and assigns the appropriate tag. **Step 3:** Play Digital Signage's API activates the emergency tag, instantly overriding any currently playing content on the screens. **Step 4:** Emergency instructions, evacuation maps, or safety messages are displayed on all affected screens. **Step 5:** Once the emergency situation is resolved, the tag is deactivated, and the screens revert to their original scheduled content. This use case ensures timely dissemination of critical information, improving safety and response times. ## Content Provider APIs: Integrating External Data Another significant use case for APIs in digital signage is integrating content providers. Businesses often need to pull data from external sources like: * News Feeds * Weather Services * Social Media Platforms * Business Dashboards * IoT Devices These integrations can be achieved through: 1. **HTML Embed Method** * External content can be displayed using simple HTML embeds. * We support this via our **Website Plugin** ([Learn more](/support/website/)). * This allows users to embed live web pages, dashboards, and interactive elements within their digital signage displays. 2. **Data Pull via XHR (XMLHttpRequest) / HTTP Requests** * Fetch data from external APIs using JavaScript HTTP requests. * Useful for displaying real-time statistics, stock market updates, or dynamic product pricing. ### Example Use Case: Live Data Feed Integration A hotel wants to display real-time flight departure information in its lobby. Here’s how they can achieve this: **Step 1:** Use an external flight information API to pull real-time flight data. **Step 2:** Embed this data into the digital signage screen using an HTML embed or fetch it using an XHR (JavaScript HTTP request). **Step 3:** Our platform updates the information at regular intervals, ensuring travelers see the latest departures. This integration provides valuable information to guests while reducing manual updates. ### Example Use Case: Live Data Feed Integration In addition to pulling real-time data, our website plugin enables users to embed external content provider widgets via HTML mode. Some excellent examples include: * **Elfsight** – Over 30 high-quality widgets including Google Review, Coronavirus Stats, Countdown Timer, Pop Up, Value Table, Google Maps, Event Calendar, PDF Embed, Team Showcase, Menu, Weather, and more. * **WIDG.io** – A variety of responsive widgets designed for business growth. Many are optimized for touch interactive platforms, including All-in-one Reviews, Before and After Image Slider, QR Code, and more. * **TradingView** – Over 15 free financial widgets for embedding market insights and charts. * **SnapWidget** – Various social media widgets, with both free and premium options. * **Powr.io** – A collection of 50 widgets available in free and premium versions. Note: Their widgets do not load in web preview due to security limitations but function properly on players. * **Windy** – A visually stunning weather pattern map. * **WeatherWidget** – A strong alternative to our built-in weather plugin. * **ClockLink** – A wide range of customizable clock configurations. * **TimeAndDate** – Offers both analog and digital clocks. * [**KeepTheScore**](https://keepthescore.com/) – Various scoreboards such as tally counters, leaderboards, and basketball scoreboards. Check out the video we did on [keepthescore](https://youtu.be/HwFY-isIUQk)! * **Timezone.io** – A dashboard that displays the local time for different team members, ideal for distributed teams. * **FX-Exchange.com** – An interactive currency converter widget, useful for touchscreen kiosks. ## Why Choose Play Digital Signage? Play Digital Signage stands out due to its flexibility, ease of integration, and powerful API features. Here’s why our platform is the best choice for API-driven content management: * **Scalability:** Easily manage hundreds of screens across multiple locations. * **Automation:** Reduce manual work with automated content updates and scheduling. * **Customization:** Leverage our API to tailor the digital signage experience to specific business needs. * **Integration Capabilities:** Connect with third-party data providers to create dynamic content. * **User-Friendly Management:** Our well-documented API makes integration seamless ([API Docs](https://api.playsignage.com/docs)). ## Conclusion The use of APIs has revolutionized digital signage by enabling automation, personalization, and real-time content updates. Our API capabilities allow businesses to monitor screens, automate content workflows, and integrate external data sources. Whether it’s through tag-based content management, website embedding, or HTTP/XHR data pulls, Play Digital Signage provides the tools needed to create a seamless and dynamic digital signage experience. By leveraging our API or integrating external APIs with our software, businesses can ensure their content remains relevant, engaging, and up-to-date, all while reducing manual workload and increasing efficiency. For more information, check out our [API Documentation](https://api.playsignage.com/docs) and [Website Plugin Guide](/support/website/).13:T1829,# Case Study; Improved Communication at First Bankers Trust First Bankers Trust was founded in 1946 and has since been a pillar of financial stability and community service. Established in Quincy, Illinois, the bank has a rich history of providing comprehensive financial solutions to individuals, businesses, and communities. Today, [First Bankers Trust](https://www.firstbankers.com/) continues to play a vital role in supporting the financial well-being of its customers and contributing to the growth and prosperity of the regions it serves. ![Digital Signage at First Bankers Trust](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/blogpost_first_bankers_trust_3f2e2cde61.jpg) ## A common challenge in the banking industry One of the common challenges in the banking industry is, to increase effective communication with customers. It’s not easy to build trust and connect with the communities. The challenge is to get customers to trust that the bank can help them and that they’re working for the customers and in their best interest. ## A simple, yet powerful solution First Bankers Trust was looking for a cloud-based digital signage solution that could integrate with their social media, update in real-time, and update all screens at once. An all-in-one solution that was intuitive. It has helped with communicating clearly and effectively with customers, and the information on the screens actually gets seen, as the visually exciting content catches their attention on a whole new level. At First Bankers Trust they use videos to communicate their messages, and people love it. It gives them a much better quality of communication. ## In a few words We met with Kyle Beckman, who is the Marketing Director at First Bankers Trust, and we asked him “Can you tell us why you chose Play Digital Signage?”. Kyle responded: “I was looking for a digital signage software that was user-friendly, intuitive, and where I could integrate our digital signage, which is very important to us. Play Digital Signage, Inc. gave me just that. And the price is very good.”, he continues “Play Digital Signage, Inc. was chosen because of its effectiveness, it is a cloud-based solution where I can work from anywhere and publish to all of our screens. It’s easy to figure out, the interface is very clean and elegant, it’s user-friendly and flexible – and the price structure is excellent! – You get the most for your money. Play Digital Signage, Inc. just works. It’s very liable!” ## Why Digital Signage is useful in the banking industry Today, financial institutions can transform the banking experience with the power of digital signage! From cutting down perceived wait times to promoting financial education and more, digital signage serves as a versatile tool that enables you to keep your customers informed and engaged. ### Enhanced Customer & Employee Communication Banking information screens also enhance communication with customers and employees alike. Banks can use digital displays to provide up-to-date information about their services and promote special offers for their customers, while utilizing them to pass along important information to their entire staff, too, depending on the location of the screen. This keeps everyone on the same page without repeating yourself to every customer or having an official staff meeting. ### Reduce Perceived Wait Times Make waiting a breeze with digital signage! Displaying wait times and service availability helps customers stay in the loop while displaying entertainment keeps their attention. Both of these integrations with digital signage allow you to reduce perceived wait times while your customers wait for the next available teller. ### Interactive Opportunities Touchscreen digital displays, like branch information kiosks, can be used to create [interactive experiences](https://playsignage.com/support/touch/) for customers in the financial sector. This might include using self-service branch information kiosks for account inquiries, product information, or appointment scheduling with an account manager. These interactive options can allow some customers to skip the line, ensuring your branch runs smoothly. ### Branding Opportunities Banking digital signage also offers a powerful branding opportunity, allowing financial institutions to reinforce their brand identity and values to their customers directly. Through eye-catching displays and cohesive content, banks can create a memorable atmosphere that communicates their commitments to their customers. This not only differentiates them in a competitive market but also strengthens customer loyalty by consistently providing a modern and engaging banking environment. Learn more about how digital signage is used in the [banking industry](/solution/banking/). ## It’s Simpler Than You Think We also asked Kyle about his experience getting started with digital signage at First Bankers Trust. Kyle shared, _“It was simple from the start—adding and connecting the screens, creating content, organizing groups, and setting schedules. And then it just worked.”_ And he’s absolutely right. Starting with digital signage doesn’t have to be complicated or overwhelming. At Play Digital Signage, we’ve built our platform on the core belief that simplicity and capability should go hand in hand. For over a decade, we’ve been refining our platform to strike the perfect balance: offering a feature-rich, powerful toolset while keeping the user experience straightforward and accessible. Whether you’re looking to display content on a TV in your lobby, a tablet at a service desk, or a sign outside your building, the process is seamless. All it takes is signing up, installing our app on your TVs or media players, and creating your content. Within minutes, you can have your digital signage up and running—no steep learning curves, no unnecessary hassle. At Play Digital Signage, we’re not just providing technology; we’re providing a tool that empowers businesses like First Bankers Trust to communicate better, connect with their customers, and streamline their operations effortlessly.2:[["$","script",null,{"type":"application/ld+json","dangerouslySetInnerHTML":{"__html":"{\"@context\":\"https://schema.org\",\"@type\":\"BlogPosting\",\"headline\":\"What is Digital Signage?\",\"description\":\"What is digital signage? That’s the question we’re going to answer today. You may have seen screens around displaying ads, information, or various entertainment when you’re out and about, but what are those all about? 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Check out sample digital signage solutions by industry to see how digital signage fits into your business, case studies from those who have come before you to see how they have taken advantage of digital signage, or reach out to us using the live chat below with any questions you might have!","variant":"blue","margin":null,"sectionID":null,"actions":[{"id":"825","name":"Case Stories","url":"/case-stories/","variant":"rounded_white","slideInMobile":null,"target":null},{"id":"826","name":"Check out Solutions","url":"/solutions/","variant":"link_white","slideInMobile":null,"target":null}]}]] 7:[["$","meta","0",{"name":"viewport","content":"width=device-width, initial-scale=1"}],["$","meta","1",{"charSet":"utf-8"}],["$","title","2",{"children":"What is Digital Signage? | PlaySignage"}],["$","meta","3",{"name":"description","content":"Discover the power of digital signage! Transform spaces, engage audiences, and boost communication. 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