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That’s the question we’re going to answer today. You may have seen screens around displaying ads, information, or various entertainment when you’re out and about, but what are those all about? Well, that is digital signage but of course, there’s more to it! Let’s break down digital signage, talking about what it is, its parts, and how it's turning those boring static signs into something way more exciting and interactive. ![What is Digital Signage?](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/what_is_digital_signage_7bf1702ac0.jpg) ## What is Digital Signage? Digital signage is revolutionary in how information is presented and consumed. Unlike traditional static signs, digital signage utilizes electronic displays to convey messages. From vibrant screens displaying sales in retail spaces to interactive kiosks in corporate environments, this technology offers a unique platform for communication. It's about more than just displaying information; it's about creating an immersive and interactive experience for the audience. Essentially though, you can really answer this question in one sentence. Digital signage is a system of digital screens used to display various information, advertisements, or entertainment in places like stores, schools, and offices. ## Components of Digital Signage To understand the magic behind digital signage and how it works, we’ll need to break down its components. There are three major digital signage components– a screen, a media player, and management software. The screens are where your content is displayed. These can be any size and there can be any number of them spread throughout several geographical locations. The management software allows you to upload, schedule, and change your digital signage content. It also provides analytics and some content creation tools. Finally, the digital signage media player acts as a middleman between the software and the screen. The media player stores and delivers your digital signage content to the screen based on what you have set up with the software. You’ll need all three for a successful and cohesive digital signage setup, though smart TVs can be a good two-in-one option as they have both a screen and a built-in media player. ## Key Features and Benefits of Digital Signage Digital signage keeps rising in popularity, largely due to its overwhelmingly positive features and benefits. We’ll go over some of them below. ### Real-time Updates Unlike static signage, digital displays allow for quick and easy updates. Users can adapt the content in real-time, promoting timely information and offers and allowing your company to stay relevant. ### Cost Savings While there are initial setup costs with digital signage, it often proves cost-effective in the long run as you can reuse content, edit it as needed, and have no printing costs. ### Branding Opportunities Digital signage allows for creative branding and storytelling through multimedia content which reinforces brand identity leading to increased brand trust and recognition. ### Dynamic Content Digital signage gives you the ability to showcase videos, animations, transitions, and more which adds a dynamic element to displays, making them more visually appealing and impactful to your audience. ### Touch-screen Interactivity Depending on the hardware you choose, digital signage can be touchscreen enabled which turns digital screens into interactive kiosks. This allows your audience to engage with the content or access additional information. ### Cloud-Based Solutions Cloud-based digital signage solutions, like Play Digital Signage, offer flexibility, scalability, and remote management capabilities. Users can access and control their displays from anywhere with an internet connection. ### Scalability Digital signage is scalable which means it can be easily scaled to accommodate multiple displays of varying sizes and locations. ### Scheduling and Playlists With digital signage, businesses can organize their content into playlists, and then schedule content to be displayed at specific times, ensuring that information is displayed exactly when you want it to be. ### Customization and Templates Businesses can easily customize digital signage content to align with their needs and goals. Furthermore, the availability of [free templates](/blog/free-digital-signage-templates) simplifies the content creation process, making it more accessible for users with varying levels of design expertise. ## Industries Using Digital Signage Digital signage has found a home in a lot of different industries. In the retail industry, digital signage transforms the shopping experience with eye-catching sales and promotions. Corporate offices often utilize digital signage for internal communication, training, and event information. Even educational institutions have implemented digital displays for wayfinding and information distribution. The hospitality sector is not left out either as digital signage enhances guest experiences with interactive screens and can be a wayfinding solution as well. Though, it is important to note that this isn’t an exhaustive list as you can find digital signage in just about any industry! ## How to Get Started with Digital Signage Now that you know all about digital signage, it's time to get started! Whether you're a business looking to grab people's attention or a school wanting to share important information, digital signage can help. To begin, consider what you want to show and where you want to put your screens. Then, check us out at Play Digital Signage, we’ll help you pick out your hardware and get you up and going without stress. Sign up [here](https://login.playsignage.com/register) today and start your digital signage journey!f:T24df,The world of digital signage has come a long way. Forget clunky servers and complicated network setups – these days, it's all about the cloud! With cloud-based digital signage solutions like [Play Digital Signage](https://playsignage.com/), you can say goodbye to expensive hardware and hello to streamlined simplicity. While cloud-based solutions simplify digital signage, selecting the right display is still crucial. This guide equips you with the essential knowledge to make an informed decision. ![Choosing the Right Digital Signage Screen for the location](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/The_Techie_s_Guide_Choosing_the_Right_Digital_Signage_Screen_1e501db222.jpg) ## Smart TVs vs. Regular TVs: A Technical Showdown First things first, let's break down the two main types of TVs you'll encounter: Smart TVs and Regular TVs.  **Smart TVs** come with built-in media players, essentially like having a FireTV stick integrated into the TV itself. This means you can power it up, connect to Wi-Fi, download the Play Digital Signage app, and get started with your digital signage in just a few minutes…  Sounds convenient, right? While that's true, there are some trade-offs. Smart TVs tend to be pricier, and their performance can sometimes be limited when handling demanding digital signage content. Plus, since the media player is built-in, you might be stuck with outdated technology sooner, as TVs generally outlast media players. On the other hand, **Regular TV**s are your standard TVs that require an external media player (like a FireTV Stick, Raspberry Pi, Windows PC, etc.) to run digital signage software. This adds an extra piece of hardware to your setup, but it offers greater flexibility and longevity.  Regular TVs are generally more affordable, readily available, and compatible with a wider range of media players. Plus, with proper care, a good quality regular TV can last for 10 years or more. ## Commercial vs. Consumer TVs: Why It Matters Beyond the Smart vs. Regular TV debate, the real technical distinction lies in whether you choose a Commercial or Consumer TV. This choice significantly impacts the screen's image quality, brightness, and overall lifespan. **Consumer TVs are designed for home use** – watching movies, playing games, and casual viewing. They're optimized for shorter viewing periods and controlled environments. This means they're not ideal for the demands of 24/7 operation in a business setting. Over time, continuous use can lead to color distortion and even dead pixels. Plus, consumer TVs are more sensitive to direct sunlight, which can degrade image quality and shorten their lifespan. **Commercial TVs** are engineered for the demands of professional environments and are capable of running continuously for extended periods. They're often rated for 12/7, 20/7, or 24/7 operation, ensuring they can handle the rigors of constant use. This durability, combined with higher brightness levels suitable for bright environments and direct sunlight, translates to a longer lifespan and consistently better image quality. ### Consumer TVs * **Use**: Great for home use, but they're not designed for the demands of continuous operation or bright environments. * **Lifespan**: 3-10 years with proper care. * **Runtime**: Shouldn't run more than 7 hours without a break to avoid LED stress and color distortion. * **Sunlight Exposure**: Not ideal for direct sunlight, as it can shorten lifespan and degrade image quality. * **Brightness**: Typically lower brightness (measured in nits), suitable for dimly lit indoor environments. ### Commercial TVs  * **Use**: Built for durability and continuous operation in demanding environments * **Lifespan**: Significantly longer than consumer TVs, especially with proper usage. * **Runtime**: Designed for extended use, with some models rated for 12/7, 20/7, or even 24/7 operation. * **Sunlight Exposure**: Handles direct sunlight better thanks to higher brightness and more robust components. * **Brightness**: Higher brightness levels (1000+ nits) for clear visibility in bright environments. . ## Brightness Matters: Choosing the Right Nits Speaking of brightness, it's a critical factor to consider. [Brightness](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_brightness_monitor) is measured in nits, and the ideal level depends on the environment where your digital signage will be placed.  For dimly lit indoor spaces, 400-600 nits might suffice. But for well-lit areas or places with indirect sunlight, you'll want to aim for 600-1000 nits. And if your screen will be in direct sunlight, you'll need a high-brightness display with 1000-2500 nits. **Summary:** * Low-light indoor environments: **400-600 nits** * Well-lit indoor environments or indirect sunlight: **600-1000 nits** * Direct sunlight: **1000-2500 nits** Brightness is crucial for digital signage because it directly impacts how well your content can be seen and how effectively it grabs the viewers' attention. In bright environments, like those with sunlight or strong artificial lighting, a dim screen will struggle to compete, making your message practically invisible. Sufficient brightness ensures that your audience can easily read text and see the details in your visuals, regardless of where they're standing. It also plays a vital role in maintaining accurate and vibrant colors, preventing your content from looking washed out and dull. Think of it this way: a bright, dynamic display acts like a magnet, drawing people in and making them more receptive to your message. Furthermore, higher brightness is essential for continuous digital signage, especially in bright settings, to prevent the screen from overworking and experiencing premature wear and tear. In essence, brightness is like the volume control for your digital signage; it ensures your message is heard loud and clear, making a lasting impact on your audience. ## Making the Right Choice Choosing the right hardware involves a careful assessment of your needs and priorities. Consider your budget, the operating hours, the surrounding environment, and the type of content you'll be displaying. By understanding the technical nuances of different TV options, you can make an informed decision that will ensure your digital signage looks stunning and performs reliably for years to come.  ### Consider these key questions * Will your digital signage run 24/7? * How bright is the environment where the screen will be located? * What type of content will you be displaying (simple images or demanding video)? * What is your budget? By carefully evaluating your needs and understanding the technical aspects of different TV options, you can make an informed decision that will ensure your digital signage looks its best for years to come ### Need help choosing the right TV?  Check out our ‘[Find a Player](https://playsignage.com/find-a-player/)’ guide! Our development team has rigorously tested different TVs, providing performance-based ratings to help you make the best decision. ## Key Takeaways When setting up your cloud-based digital signage, choosing the right screen is key. While Smart TVs offer convenience, consider their limitations in performance and lifespan, especially for demanding content or 24/7 operation.  A regular TV paired with a separate media player might be a more robust and cost-effective solution in the long run. If you need your signage to run continuously, handle bright environments, and resist sunlight damage, invest in a commercial-grade TV.   These displays are built for durability and superior image quality.  No matter which type of screen you choose, make sure it's bright enough for its environment to ensure optimal visibility.  Finally, pay close attention to the TV's usage rating (e.g., 20/7) and match it to your actual operating hours to maximize its lifespan. * [**Cloud-based digital signage**](https://www.reddit.com/r/digitalsignage/comments/ka2fqg/looking_for_recommendations_on_cloudbased_digital/) **simplifies your hardware setup:**  Focus on choosing the right screen, as most of the processing happens in the cloud.   * **Smart TVs are convenient, but consider the limitations:**  They can be pricier and may not handle demanding content as well as a separate media player paired with a regular TV. * [**Commercial TV**](https://insights.samsung.com/2024/10/21/why-you-shouldnt-use-consumer-tvs-for-commercial-digital-signage/)**s are built to last:**  If you need 24/7 operation, high brightness, and resistance to sunlight, a commercial-grade display is the way to go.   * **Don't underestimate brightness:**  Make sure your screen is bright enough for its environment to ensure optimal visibility.   * **Match the TV's usage rating to your needs:**  A TV rated for 20/7 operation won't last as long if you run it 24/7. Choosing the right hardware is the first step toward creating a captivating digital signage experience. With Play Digital Signage, you can seamlessly combine high-quality displays with powerful software to achieve your marketing goals.   From engaging content creation tools to advanced scheduling and analytics, Play Digital Signage empowers you to make a lasting impact.  [Try it for free and see the difference](https://login.playsignage.com/register)!10:T25b6,Digital signage has a ton of features that make it such a powerful tool for your business. Here at [Play Digital Signage](/features), we continue to add features that we know you need and want. Today we are going to focus on emergency strategies including details about what they are, why they are important, how to utilize them, and more. Stick around as we break down this potentially life-saving feature of digital signage. ![working with emergency strategies.jpg](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/working_with_emergency_strategies_b9ce8eee34.jpg) ## What Are Emergencies Strategies? Emergency strategies are a preset series of actions on your digital signage that are activated during emergencies. These strategies override your normal day-to-day digital signage content to give your customers, employees, or passersby vital information and instructions. Essentially, emergency strategies are a digital signage playlist built specifically to be displayed during each potential emergency that could happen on your company’s property. ## Why Are They Important? So why should you spend the time preparing emergency strategies? The short answer is that if an emergency situation does happen, you’ll be glad you did. Emergency strategies with digital signage allow you to spread information to a wide area faster than any other method. They also provide a way for people to know what they need to do even if they can’t hear or see well as you can incorporate both visuals and audio. Additionally, these situations cause chaos which is one of the most dangerous things that can happen in an urgent, life-threatening situation. There is a reason the first piece of advice for any critical event is to stay calm. Emergency strategies can be the difference between complete chaos and organized, quick action that can keep everyone safe. ## Example Scenarios We have talked a lot about “emergencies”, but that’s a pretty vague term, so let’s go over some more specific example scenarios. Of course, the immediate situations that come to mind are a fire or severe weather. However, depending on the industry and size of your company, it may be at risk for events like a bomb threat, active shooter, chemical leak/exposure, abduction, earthquake, and more. These are all situations that require detailed instructions. For some you may need to evacuate, for others, individuals need to shelter in place. Each emergency will require various actions which are all dependent on the surroundings and environment. For instance, as a simple example, the response to a fire in a retail store is going to be very different than in a hospital. An emergency playlist for a fire in a retail store might include directions to the nearest exits, where fire extinguishers are, an alarm or voiceover with instructions, a reminder about remaining low if there is smoke in the air, etc. With a hospital in this scenario, the instructions will need to distinguish between mobile patients, patients who aren’t, staff, and visitors because each of these groups of people will have to respond differently. ## What To Include in Your Emergency Strategies Building off that last example, as you can see, there can be a lot to include in your emergency strategies. When brainstorming the details you need for each emergency situation, there are some key points to ensure you consider. * What different groups of people will you need to address? * How can you describe where they need to go concisely and effectively? * How will you draw attention to these instructions? * Will you be adding any [sounds](/blog/how-to-utilize-music-and-sounds-in-digital-signage-content/) like alarms or verbal instructions? * Have you ensured the plan is appropriate for the particular emergency situation it will be associated with? * Would images or drawings be better to explain things quickly rather than reading text? * Have you included everything someone might need to know in order to stay safe in this situation? There are a lot of things to include when building effective emergency strategies using your digital signage, so ensure you plan appropriately based on your audience, company, the situation, and your facility. ## Utilizing Tags for Emergency Strategies Now that we have gone over the details of emergency strategies in depth, you’ll need to know how to set them up to be activated in the event that one of these situations occurs. To do this, you’ll use the “tags” feature. The tags feature allows you to assign conditional tags to the various emergency playlists you have created which when activated will override your current digital signage content. ## Creating and Activating Tags To create a tag, log in to your Play Digital Signage account and click your profile name in the bottom left corner. On the next screen, select “tags”, give it a name, and select which playlist to assign it to (the emergency playlist you created including the information we talked about above). You’ll then select which screens you would like to include with the tag. Do this same process for each of the emergency strategies or playlists you have created. Once you have gone through the tagging process, you’ll need to activate the proper tag in the event of an emergency depending on the situation. To activate any tag and have your emergency playlist displayed on the screens you selected previously, simply go click your profile again, then tags, and then activate the tag in the same place where the created tag showed up. You’ll have the option to activate the tag for a time period of your choosing from seconds all the way to “9999” hours which will display the emergency playlist indefinitely, or until you override or deactivate it. ## Other Features That Are Helpful for Emergency Strategies There are some other Play Digital Signage [features](https://playsignage.com/features/) besides tags that can be helpful for emergency strategies. ### Zones Do you have multiple digital signage screens in one location? [Zones](/blog/utilizing-zones-with-digital-signage/) separate your screens to be able to display different playlists on different screens. So, if employees are in one area of the business and visitors in another, you can have individualized emergency playlists displayed for screens near the employees versus in the view of visitors. Or, if you need an emergency playlist to only display in one area of the building, then you can simply set the tag to only override the screens in that zone. ### Remote Management As a business owner or manager, you may not always be on-site if an emergency were to happen. Luckily, you can manage your screens [remotely](https://playsignage.com/blog/remote-management-of-digital-signage-players/). Activate or deactivate a tag from anywhere or reset everything after an event has resolved. All you need is a device with an internet connection. ### Teams & Permissions Additionally, if you as the business owner or digital signage manager are not on site, you can utilize the [teams and permissions](https://playsignage.com/blog/build-your-organizations-team-in-play-digital-signage/) features to allow someone else to access the digital signage in the event of an emergency. ### Scheduling Though you may not know when an emergency will happen, you can use the scheduling feature to play the emergency playlist on a set schedule in order to practice your response as a company to various scenarios. Just like they do fire drills in school, you should be practicing emergency responses with your team to be prepared. ## Troubleshooting Emergency Strategies Though emergency strategies are simple to set up if you follow the instructions, here at Play Digital Signage, we understand that problems arise from time to time. ### Deactivating a Tag Have you had a false alarm or the crisis has been averted? No worries, you can deactivate any tags. To deactivate the tag, go to your profile in the bottom left corner, select “tags”, find the playlist that is activated, and then click “deactivate tag”. This will revert your digital signage back to your normal content. You can also deactivate any tag by activating another tag to override it. The most recently activated tag always takes precedence, no matter the settings you have selected. ## Online Help Section If there is something else you need help with besides deactivating a tag, see if it is in our extensive online [help section](/support). The help section has several step-by-step instructions, videos, and more to solve common problems and help you with setup. The help page for tags is [here](/support/tags), though there are several topics covered including hardware setup and how to use other features. ## 24/7 LIVE Chat Support The other option for help troubleshooting emergency strategies is our 24/7 LIVE chat support. Unlike other chat support you’ll find online, the Play Digital Signage support is staffed around the clock with real humans that have been expertly trained on the intricacies of the software. There’s no artificial intelligence or bots behind the screen here, just knowledgeable people here to help you with whatever you need. ## Emergency Strategies Summary Ultimately, emergency strategies are a must for any company using digital signage and they can all be customized to your exact needs. No matter the situation, an emergency strategy is beneficial. Since it doesn’t cost you additional money, is simple to execute, and provides some fantastic benefits, emergency strategies are a no-brainer when it comes to digital signage.11:T1e70,Digital signage is a technology that uses screens to display images, videos, texts, web pages, designs, and more. Essentially, anything that you would print on paper can be displayed on digital signage, plus some. It is comprised of three components, a screen, which can be a smart TV, regular TV, or touchscreen; a management software, which stores all of your content and the settings for when it is displayed; and a media player, which relays the information from the management software to the screen. Today we are going to dive into one of the best benefits of digital signage— how you can save time and money with digital signage. ![Save time and money on digital signage](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/Save_time_and_money_e5585cd0d2.jpg) ## 9 Ways Digital Signage Can Save You Time and Money No matter the industry or size of your business, digital signage is an asset that easily saves you hours and keeps countless dollars in your pocket. ### All-In-One Solution Digital signage, especially when using Play Digital Signage, is an all-in-one solution. Here at Play Digital Signage, we have included a full-featured, built-in content editor. What that means for you is that there is no need to pay for a third-party content editor to design your digital signage content and a separate digital signage management software. You get both of these all at one low cost saving you money plus the time it takes to transfer your designs between two different platforms and find the best options for your needs in the first place. ### Compatibility Additionally, Play Digital Signage is compatible with all major operating systems, so you don’t have to spend outside your budget to get specialized digital signage hardware or waste time trying to navigate an operating system you are not familiar with. Are you an Apple user? No problem. Is Windows more your jam? There are options for that, too. Low-budget? Try a smart TV for your digital signage which has everything you need hardware-wise to get started. ### Spread Information Faster Rather than spending time and money to inform customers of important information through traditional methods like canvasing or hiring additional staff, you can spread information faster and at the touch of a button with digital signage screens. Whether you have products that need to be explained, policies you have to spread the word about, or just need to let people know you will be closed for an upcoming holiday, these things are less expensive and faster to do through digital signage. ### Edit and Update From Anywhere, Anytime As a business owner, you likely have a million things on your to-do list and you might not always be in the office or your place of business. With digital signage, you can save time by being able to edit and update your signage from anywhere. This is something that traditional printed signage isn’t able to offer. To change those signs, you have to edit them on your computer, send them to a printer, wait for them to be done, and then replace them wherever the current ones are located. Not only is that a lot of extra time to spend on a simple task, but it is also costly to do every time there is even a small update. If you have digital signage instead, it only takes a few clicks, doesn’t cost you a dime, and you can handle it from wherever you are as long as you have Wifi. ### Reduce Overhead Costs Speaking of getting signage printed over and over again, changing signage, flyers, menus, and all of the other printed items you need to run your business contributes to your overhead costs. Since digital signage is only comprised of an initial investment plus a flat monthly rate, you can reduce your overhead costs by utilizing it to display any previously printed information. For instance, instead of having new menus made for your restaurant, consider digital menu boards. Retail stores can use digital signage to display sale information rather than flyers. The options are endless and eliminate the high overhead costs of continually printing business materials. ### Increase Engagement To run a successful business, both customer and employee engagement are essential. Without customer engagement, sales and conversion fall hurting your bottom line and requiring time to build it back up. Without employee engagement, your employee turnover rate increases, costing you time and money to hire and train more often. Digital signage helps customer and employee engagement depending on the content you display. Digital signage with entertainment and helpful information that is displayed with dynamic elements like high-definition photos and videos, animations, and interactive plugins, encourages customers to read, interact, and engage with your company and its product or services. In terms of employee engagement, you can keep employees informed of their successes, display fun games, and several other ideas to make your employee’s day better. When you actively work to make your employee’s day better, they are more inclined to stay and motivated to do their best for your company, therefore, preventing high turnover rates. ### Scalable Digital signage is scalable which in the long run is a big time and money saver. Start with one or two screens and integrate further screens without having to buy, set up, and learn an entirely new system and waste what you have already invested in. As your business grows, your digital signage network can, too, and in the meantime, with Play Digital Signage, you’ll only pay for what you need and have the option to purchase hardware within your budget. ### Focus on Productivity Productivity is essential to business and though digital signage is great for entertaining content as well, it can also help maintain and improve productivity levels. Create a centralized hub of all the information your employees need, display a progress tracker for various projects, or simply show your employees the results of their work which increases their motivation and productivity. Increased productivity means you’ve added more money to the profit category and saved time in the process. You can also use digital signage to increase productivity by having touchscreen digital signage for customers to input information, look up products that are in-stock, or check in if they need help. These actions can speed up lines and help you do more in less time. This means you get to save money by not having to pay unneeded overtime, too. ### Repurpose Assets You likely have various marketing materials that you’ve already designed. Whether that be for social media, flyers, billboards, or advertisements. With digital signage, you can upload and display that content or elements of that content which saves you time and money by not having to recreate anything! Since digital signage supports all kinds of different content formats from video to photos to text and even website pages, you can repurpose any content you already have in your repertoire. ## Ready To Save Time and Money? If you don’t already have digital signage set up for your company, as you can see, it can be highly beneficial. Here at Play Digital Signage, we are here to help and are excited to see how much time and money you can save! Get started in just three easy steps: * Sign up at playsignage.com. Since we offer a free trial, we’ll only ask for some basic information until you are ready to go live. No credit card is required! * Choose a screen. It can be any size from a small tablet to a huge billboard. Play Digital Signage works with them all. * Pick a player. To save you some more time and money, we have researched and tested several digital signage media players in every budget. Find our results here.12:T27ee,In schools and universities, there is a lot of communication that has to happen between the administration, staff, and students for everything to run smoothly on a daily basis. Previously, daily announcements on the intercom system, flyers, and teachers passing things along were the only ways to get information to everyone. However, now in the digital age, there are a lot more resources at our disposal. One of these resources and possibly one of the most beneficial and versatile is digital signage. Here is how schools and universities can (and already are) use digital signage to improve communication. ![School and University use of Digital Signage](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/How_Schools_And_Universities_Use_Digital_Signage_To_Improve_Communication_aecc9f4b5e.jpg) ## Ways Digital Signage Improves Communication in Schools/Universities We have already established that communication is vital in an education setting, but what makes digital signage a better option than “old-school” or traditional methods? ### Spread Information Wider and Faster For one, digital signage allows schools and universities to spread information wider and faster. They can get any important information to every student, teacher, and staff member across the entire campus pretty much instantly with just a few clicks. This is because digital signage screens are often spread throughout campus and placed in key, high-traffic areas. So, the administrator can update the content of the screens from a completely separate physical location and have it display as soon as they have clicked “publish”. ### Capture Attention With Dynamic Visuals With students on their phones and teachers always thinking about the next thing they have to do, flyers are always overlooked. Even with overhead announcements, most of the time no one quiets down enough to hear them! With digital signage, you can capture everyone’s attention much better using dynamic visuals. Make the information move on the screen, add a [photo](https://playsignage.com/blog/play-digital-signage-royalty-free-media-providers/), use bright colors, and put [music or sounds](https://playsignage.com/blog/how-to-utilize-music-and-sounds-in-digital-signage-content/) with it, the options are endless on how you can capture everyone’s attention regardless of what they are doing. ### Making Schools Safer Sadly, many acts of violence in schools have only been made worse due to the lack of widespread communication. With digital signage, you can set up emergency protocols that automatically take over every screen when triggered. This allows you to get instructions to everyone as quickly as possible. Digital signage is being used during emergency situations to improve communications in ways that are making our schools safer. ### Live Updating We have briefly mentioned instant distribution of information, but using certain plugins within your content can actually allow you to have live updating content. This means that you don’t have to change anything manually, it just simply updates with the latest information. A few examples of this are a [weather plugin](https://playsignage.com/blog/play-digital-signage-feature-focus-weather-plugin/) that updates with the live weather conditions or [social media plugins](https://playsignage.com/blog/gorgeous-digital-signage-content-with-fb-and-ig-photo-frame/) that display every latest post from the accounts you select. ### Communication in a Way Students Relate The students who are in any school or university now no matter the education level have been raised with technology. This means more than anyone, they are accustomed to giving and receiving information in the ways it is done on the web or through digital devices. This also means that they naturally pay attention to digitally presented information more since their brains have prioritized the processing of digital information. Digital signage enables you to take advantage of this a communicate with students in the way they relate, recognize, and prioritize. ## Other Ways Digital Signage Improves Schools and Universities Besides improving communication, digital signage improves schools and universities in other ways, too. ### An Additional Income Source One aspect of digital signage that is a big help for schools and universities is the ability to turn it into an additional revenue source. Schools can rent out the space on their screens to local businesses to advertise to their students. Not only does this offset the cost of the digital signage itself, but in the long run, it can be extra money coming in that can help support the school and its students financially when the budget is tight. ### Contribute to the Learning Experience Many people only think to put digital signage screens in the hallways and common areas, but digital signage can improve the learning experience in individual classrooms as well. For instance, a teacher may use it rather than bulletin boards to update classroom information, rules, and schedules. They can also be used as a continuous display of the important highlights of the topic being covered. Since every classroom can be its own zone, the content can be customized to the subject taught. Instead of your students asking their teachers multiple times a day or week what they are covering or when something is due, put it on a digital signage screen and they will always be up to date. ### Positive Image and Branding A cohesive image and branding are often only prioritized in companies that are looking to make a profit; however, positive image and branding can make a difference in schools and universities. Not only do students have more pride and engagement when schools take initiative in their optics, but it also can help secure additional funding. Several schools and universities rely on grants, local businesses, and alumni to stay afloat financially. > [Check out](/blog/how-a-digital-bulletin-board-helps-keep-your-employees-students-and-guests-informed-engaged) how a bulletin board keeps students informed and engaged A clear, cohesive image and branding can go a long way to convince these external investors to associate their name with your school. After all, who wants to be involved with a school that looks disorganized and disheveled? ## Tips for Successful Digital Signage in Schools Whether you already have digital signage screens in your school or you are just in the planning process, keep these tips for successful digital signage in schools top of your mind. ### Place Screens Wisely Every school can only afford a certain number of digital signage screens, so it is essential to place those screens wisely. If you only can get afford a few, consider placing them in the areas with the most foot traffic so there is a higher chance of the majority of people seeing them. If you can get more, then you can start putting them in more specialized areas. ### Keep it Visually Appealing One of the main benefits to digital signage is that you can capture attention more easily, though if you just put up a bunch of words on the screen in black and white, no one is likely to read it. Keep your digital signage content visually appealing with photos, videos, colors, and fun fonts. ### Know Your Audience This one should be obvious, but make sure you remember who your audience is. The same content you display on a screen at a university will be different from what you should display at a middle school. Keep it relevant to who is going to be seeing your digital signage. ## Play Digital Signage Has the Features Your School Needs Here at [Play Digital Signage](https://playsignage.com/), we have built our digital signage software with our customers in mind. That is why we include features that are helpful for a wide variety of industries. Below are a few of the Play Digital Signage [features](/features) perfect for the needs of schools and universities. ### Pay Only For What You Use As we all know, schools never have a ton of extra money laying around. Luckily, with Play Digital Signage, you only pay for what you use. Rather than paying for a subscription that includes more screens than what you are using, we charge per screen, per month. This way, you are only paying for exactly what you need and nothing extra. ### Wide Compatibility We also have a wide range of compatibility when it comes to [digital signage hardware](https://playsignage.com/blog/digital-signage-hardware/) like screens and media players. Some other companies require you to purchase their specific hardware in order to be compatible with their software. Instead, Play Digital Signage is compatible with all major operating systems which means you can choose the hardware that fits your own budget and needs. Our wide compatibility also allows you to use any size screen and enable touchscreens, too. ### Built-In Content Editor Rather than paying for a third-party editor, downloading your content, then re-uploading it to your digital signage software, the Play Digital Signage software comes with a full-featured [built-in content editor](https://playsignage.com/blog/the-digital-signage-solution-with-a-built-in-editor/). You can create even the most high-level content right within the same software you use to manage your screens. It saves you money and time because there are no third parties or extra downloading required. ### Create, Manage, and Update From Anywhere, Anytime Play Digital Signage is a cloud-based software which is why you can create, manage, and update your digital signage content from [anywhere](https://playsignage.com/blog/remote-management-of-digital-signage-players/) at any time as long as you have an internet connection. You don’t have to download our software onto one device. You simply login online and have everything you need from any device. ## Sign Up For The Free Trial Ready to get started using Play Digital Signage in your school or university? Take advantage of our [free trial today](https://login.playsignage.com/register)! We’ll give you one screen free for as long as you want to see just how powerful digital signage can be at your school or university.13:T19b3,Digital signage consists of three main components that include a screen, a media player, and software that manages your content. When people think of digital signage, they might only think of pictures and text; however, when it comes to content there are a whole lot of dynamic options including social media plugins.  Take a look at how social media plugins can help with social media marketing, what they have to offer, and how to get started. ![Social Media Content Plugin](https://blendit-admin.playsignage.com/uploads/blog_social_media_plugins_1c75aea6ca.jpg) ## How Digital Signage Fits Into Your Social Marketing Plan When considering your social media marketing plan, you probably haven’t even considered utilizing your digital signage to gain exposure.  Sure, your posts will always go out to all of your followers or those who are searching the hashtags you provided; however, beyond that, it is difficult to get new exposure without running paid ads on social media.  We know you work really hard on your social media branding and strategy, so it should be seen by as many people as possible. One of the ways to do that is by implementing it into your digital signage content using social plugins.  ## Social Plugins with Digital Signage At Play Digital Signage, we offer great social plugins including Facebook Photo, Facebook Post, Instagram Photo, Instagram Hashtag, and Twitter. All of them can bring new and exciting content to your TVs.  ### Facebook Photo Facebook Photo brings photos from your business Facebook to your digital signage screens and you can even pick what folder you’d like to show. Here’s a great little tip– If you have an event, you could set up a new folder and have the photos displayed on the fly as you add them. After choosing your Facebook account, the plugin will pull in the latest 50 photos and display them like a photo frame. Every 3 to 20 seconds, the photos will change position on the TV making the content come alive! You can set how many rows and columns of photos you want, change the background, border, and animation speed. ### Facebook Posts The Facebook Posts plugin brings your business’ Facebook posts directly to your TVs. See your posts live in your content including the post header, text, likes, dates, and photos. The content will flip with amazing animations to add even more interest and engagement.  ### Instagram Photo and Instagram Hashtag Instagram Photo and Instagram Hashtag are both very similar to our Facebook Photo plugin. Instagram Photo will pull the latest photos from your Instagram account and Instagram Hashtag will pull any content on Instagram based on the hashtags you add.  For example, if you’re using a custom hashtag for your restaurant you’d be able to display content that uses that hashtag whether you posted it or your customers.  You can add up to 5 hashtags, so the content can be very targeted to your niche. ### Twitter Plugin Finally, we have the Twitter plugin. The Twitter plugin operates similarly to the Facebook Posts plugin. With the Twitter plugin, you are also able to add multiple Twitter feeds into the same slide. This means that you can display not only just your personal feed but all of your favorite feeds as well! And they all have one thing in common, you can customize the layout, colors, content, and design and make it your own. At Play Digital Signage we want you to be able to put your own touch on everything! ## Benefits of Digital Signage Plugins There are several benefits to the social media plugins as well as all of the [other plugins available to you](https://playsignage.com/plugins/) with Play Digital Signage. Here are a few to keep in mind that apply to all of them, but especially the social media plugins. ### Customization Each of the social media plugins and your content as a whole has several customization options. Text, colors, layout, and much more can be customized to your needs. Your content can be anything you want it to be! ### Easy Access Play Digital Signage is compatible with dozens of plugins. Many of them are simple to access, use, and customize. However, if you have any problems getting them to work, our 24/7 LIVE chat and [extensive help section](https://playsignage.com/support/) can work wonders! ### Use As Many As You’d Like There’s no limit to the number of plugins that you can include in your content. Add all of our social media plugins plus Google Maps, Today In History, Countdown, and more. Every slide can have new information or entertainment.  You can also put different plugins on different screens. For example, place Facebook Photos on the TV by the front door while your Twitter feed is live on the TV by the register!    ## Get Started with Social Media Plugins and Play Digital Signage Play Digital Signage offers not only a bunch of awesome social media plugins but also weather, RSS, streaming, website, etc. We think you are going to love working with our plugins as they are easy to set up and just as easy to customize. Play Digital Signage has a wide range of compatibility with tons of hardware and screen solutions as well. This means that no matter which hardware you choose, you can access Play Digital Signage and utilize the social media plugins. It takes only seconds to get started with Play Digital Signage and can be done in three steps or less.  Don’t quite know if Play Digital Signage is the right digital signage software for you? We know that just one feature might not have you hooked, so you can [try ten screens free](https://playsignage.com/blog/try-digital-signage-with-10-trial-screens-from-play-digital-signage/) with our [full feature capability](https://playsignage.com/features/) for as long as you need. We will never collect any credit card or billing information until you are ready to go live with your content.   ### Sign Up Today First, sign up at [playsignage.com](https://login.playsignage.com/register) or after downloading the Play Signage App.  Next, you’ll choose a screen. It can be of any size including large LED video walls or just a small tablet.  The final step is to pick a player. Social media plugins will work with most digital signage media players, though you’ll be able to ensure compatibility based on our [tested list](https://playsignage.com/find-a-player/). Once you have all three of your components– Play Digital Signage software, a screen, and a digital signage media player, you can start designing your content to include social media plugins and go live!2:[["$","script",null,{"type":"application/ld+json","dangerouslySetInnerHTML":{"__html":"{\"@context\":\"https://schema.org\",\"@type\":\"BlogPosting\",\"headline\":\"What is Digital Signage?\",\"description\":\"What is digital signage? That’s the question we’re going to answer today. You may have seen screens around displaying ads, information, or various entertainment when you’re out and about, but what are those all about? 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